Good To Be Bad

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Hey guys! Sorry I have to schedule my updates every 5 days, I have to. I need more time to do a lot of editing for the Bad Guys fanfic. Anyway, this is chapter 2. Have fun!


Dancing and singing along to the music, Wolf and his friends sped through the streets of Los Angeles. Behind them, a whole new fleet of cop cars had now joined the chase. The chief's car pulled up beside them, and she climbed out the window—she would do whatever it took to catch the Bad Guys!

"I'm going to put you guys away for so long, your fleas will have fleas!" She growled. The chief grabbed the door of Wolf's car, causing the Bad Guys to scream in surprise, and pulled it toward her with tremendous strength as she was hanging–suspended–between her own car and his, like a bridge.

Shark leaned out the window, "Chief... you want some cake?" he offered. "You seem a little hangry."

Piranha, Tarantula, and Hornet laughed in response.

The chief shouted back, "Get that thing out of my face before I—"

Wolf cut her off, "Excuse me, Chief?"

"What?" the police chief sputtered.

Wolf gestured with his chin for the chief to take a look at the road ahead. While she'd been focusing on stopping the Bad Guys mobile, her own car had nearly sideswiped a bus! "Aahhhh!" she screamed, moving backward just in time before to prevent a collision. She clutched the wheel and climbed back into her car. The chase was still on.

Just then, more police cars are coming towards them with no escape.

Knowing that the Bad Guys were surrounded, the chief grinned evilly, "You're mine."

Wolf was driving straight toward a blockade of police cars. They were totally boxed in! Wolf just kept accelerating as if he didn't see that there was nowhere for them to go but straight into the blockage.

Because of the speed of the car, the red balloon that Snake held was blown out of the window.

Hornet took notice of the balloon flying away, and shouted, "Aawww, you lost your balloon!" Then, he eyed at the balloon, ascending up to the sky, and waved to it, "Bye-bye, b'loon!"

But, deep inside, Snake was happy that he lost his balloon. He didn't need a balloon to remind him of his birthday anyway.

Feeling concern for his and his gang's safety, Piranha reminded Wolf, glancing nervously out the car's front window, "Hermano..."

At the very last second, Wolf threw the steering wheel to the left and drove down a huge staircase as the police cars crashed to a halt behind them in a mountain pile. Down the staircase, all of the Bad Guys flew out of the sunroof, flipping and flopping in midair, trying to swim back into the car. But then, while they were in mid-air, Hornet opened his eyes, and noticed the moon in the orange sky.

"Oh..., that's the moon!" Hornet began, "Did you know that the moon is not a planet but a satellite of the Earth?"

The rest of the Bad Guys had their screams faded when they got the chance to open their eyes to see the moon.

"Really?" Piranha asked.

"Yeah. And the surface area of the moon is 14,658,000 square miles," Hornet continued.

"Wonderful!" Wolf exclaimed.

"Correct! And only 59 percent of its surface is visible from Earth."

"Amazing!" Shark smiled.

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