Vacation Time Part IV

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When my lips finally met his, it was the most blissful thing in the world. That's when I knew. He was right for me. He is mine and we are soulmates. I will forever have him and he will forever have him. I love him.





We walked down the streets to the same alley we had been to often within the past few days. I was getting very anxious. I couldn't get the bad thoughts out of my head. What if we did take Beauregard in? He's a human. He can get cancer and he can die when he's only seven. I've seen countless children die because of some disease. He could get murdered, too. Countless children have been murdered. What if he just ends up hating us? What if he becomes depressed? What if he develops mental problems and kills a bunch of people? What if he doesn't love me? What if I end up not being able to love him?

"Jack," I said, stopping.

He turned around and studied my face, seeing me grow nervous. "What is it?"

"Are you sure we can handle a child? So many things can go wrong. He could die in just a few years. He can hate us. He-"

"So?" he interrupted.

"What do you mean so? So?

So? If we take in a son are you going to say 'so?' when he gets some terminal illness? Are you gonna say 'so?' when he yells at us? When he says he hates us? When we fight with him? You're just gonna say 'so?'"

"No," he snapped. "So what if things go wrong? It'll be worth it. It'll be worth it to raise this beautiful boy, to let him know that even though he was born on the streets someone loved him. Our parents had to have us. They couldn't think about the risks and the fears they had. Humans? They think about this every time they plan for a child. When they get pregnant, they are terrified. They debate on adoption or abortion because it is terrifying to bring a child into this world. In some cases, it is better to put them up for adoption or to abort them. Unfortunately they abort them for the wrong reason or they let bad people adopt them. There are countless things to be afraid of, Cupid, but it'll be worth it. I will take this beautiful boy whether you want to or not. I will leave you any day for him."

"How can you say that?"

"I just have to show you!"

"Show me what?!"

"When I say he is ours, I'm not just saying this is our destiny. I mean that he truly is ours. You just have to see to understand."


We started to walk towards the alley. We walked down the alley and the kids were there, playing.

"Hi," Pierre greeted.

"Hi," I replied.

"I need to show him why Beauregard is special," Jack said simply, getting a smile from Pierre.

"Of course." He ran over and lifted Beauregard up, handing him to Jack.

Jack held him lovingly, a smile immediately illuminating his face. "Hi," Jack greeted.

"Hi," Beauregard said, smiling. Jack was right. He looked more like us each time we saw him.

Jack looked at me. "Watch." He breathed out slowly, snow fluttering over Beauregard. Beauregard laughed, and then - he breathed out, too, blowing snow out just like Jack did. Jack smiled at me. "Don't you see? He has to be ours. He can control snow."

"H-How?" I asked, awe-struck.

"I don't know," he told me. "I mean, like I said. It's a miracle, you know? Do you think that, there are things beyond us? Some celestial things? We're kind of like humans' gods, but do you think there's something like gods for us? You know? Pierre said he saw Beauregard get dropped off. He said he didn't see who dropped him off, because it was very bright, too bright to see anything. You said a miracle will happen, and here it is. Here he is."

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