Vacation Time Part III

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"You're silly. You're always so silly."

"I'm pretty certain you're the silly one."

Jack laughed. He was wasted. "You once told me that if I was drunk you would take advantage of me. So you should totally do that. Rock my world. Rock my world twice you dumb bitch." He fell back against the bed. "Do you like these shorts on me?"

"Yes. They're cute. They make your ass look really nice and bubbly."

He laughed again. "You have a nice ass too, but it's not bubbly. It's nice and strong and hard, like my dick."

I laughed. I just took him on a date and he got wasted. He was a hilarious drunk. "You should get some sleep."

"And you should take advantage of me."

"I can't really understand you when you slur your words."

"I'm not slurring my words. I'm simply speaking cursive."

I laughed again. Eventually, he fell asleep in my arms, and he'd probably regret getting wasted in the morning, but hopefully not regret going on a date with me.






I laughed at Jack, who was chugging the wine so much he fell out of his seat. He already had the majority of the bottle. He said he hadn't been wasted yet and he had to before he left. So, he decided on today. Tomorrow we were leaving in the morning. He'd be hungover. His choice. His consequences.

"Let's adopt kids," he said, still lying on the floor. "Let's take Beauregard. I want to be a mom. He's so cute, too. And he has my eyes! At first I thought they kind of looked like my eyes but each time I see him they look more and more like mine. His lips look like yours too. I swear, each day I see him he looks more like us. He's meant to be ours."

"We're not even eighteen yet."

"You turn eighteen in two days. I turn seventeen in February. I'll be a teen mom."

I walked over and picked him up. He grabbed some more wine on the way to the bed and drank some of it. I tossed him onto our bed and jumped next to him. "If we adopt Beauregard, we have to adopt all the kids."

"No we don't. They don't want to be adopted. A part of them might want to, but they told me that they are fine and that Beauregard will not survive. They will. The streets are their home. They are not Beau's. Pierre keeps telling me to take him, to teach him how to talk and do things like that. To love him, and I really want to." He looked up at me, his eyes glassy and his breath strong. "You told me that when two men love each other and they want a child, a miracle happens. Beauregard is our miracle. I know he is. He's like me..."

"What do you mean he's like you?" I asked.

Jack didn't answer, having fallen into a drunken sleep. I knew that when he'd wake up, he'd vomit, eat, get some medicine, and then in a few hours get wasted again. He told me he hadn't gotten drunk once on the trip, and so he had to make up for lost time. I rolled him onto his side and pulled the blanket over him. I then went into the hallway and walked to Eli's room. I knocked, heard some fumbling, and Eli answered the door. Dad was sitting in a chair, acting like they hadn't just been fooling around even though I could clearly see they had been. For one thing, there were some fresh lovebites on Eli's neck and chest, and Eli was shirtless. He doesn't sit and talk shirtless. He is always, always wearing a suit unless he is bathing or fooling around with my dad. Hell, he even sleeps in dress pants and a button-up shirt, unless he just got screwed, by my dad, then he typically falls asleep naked. I know this because my room is right next to theirs and they've done nothing but have sex so loud I can hear it, which makes it really hard to make love to Jack since I can hear my dad having sex. That's just gross. Plus, I've walked in on them in the mornings to wake them up for breakfast and they've been wrapped in each others arms, asleep. One time, they weren't asleep, but their tongues were so far down each others throats they didn't notice me.

Anyway, I just rolled my eyes and walked in, sitting on the edge of the bed. Eli put on a dress shirt, buttoning it and tucking it in. "When are you going to tell everyone you're together?" I asked. "Don't act like I don't know. I can just barely hear you groan, Dad, but believe me, I can hear Eli scream."

Eli's face turned red but Dad didn't seem to care, meaning it must've been Eli's idea to keep it a secret.

"Others just might be able to hear you, too."

"It'll happen sooner or later," Eli said. "Just...shut up."

"Oh my god, you are so immature," I mumbled. "You even look too young for your age."

"Which is why your father loves to screw me in the ass multiple times in the day."

"Ew. I hate you so much."

He stuck his tongue out at me, like the large child he is.

"Eli, quit being weird," Dad said.

"You love my weirdness." Eli turned and smiled at me. "I'm pretty freaky in bed. So's your dad."

"Eli, stop telling my son about our sex life."

Something must've clicked in Eli's mind, because he suddenly gave me a devilish smile. He hopped onto the bed and lied on his stomach, propping himself up on his arms, looking like a teenage girl. "So, how are you and Jack?"

"We're fine. He's drunk and passed out but he'll be up shortly, and in a few hours he'll get wasted again."

"Have you guys ever thought of adopting kids?"

I looked at him skeptically. Jack and I had just been talking about kids, and now he's bringing it up, meaning he knew something, and by the smile it meant something that could possibly be good, but I was never sure of Eli so for all I know it could be bad.

"We've talked about it," I told him. "He really wants to take in a lot of kids. He wants, like, twenty."

"You should adopt. I'm certain if Cee and I had gotten together then we would've, but luckily we don't have to since we have you."

I just raised a brow at him. Yeah right. But then I saw Dad smile to himself, liking the sound of them being my dads. I mean, it wasn't all bad. They were finally together, and Eli was quite motherly. God. He was too much like Jack, but Jack didn't annoy the crap out of anyone. Jack was cute, sassy, and dainty. Eli was snarky, devilish, and an instigator. He was annoying on purpose. Jack was too cute that when he did something annoying it wasn't annoying. It was simply cute. Eli was a dick.

"Whatever. We're too young."

"Everyone is young when they have kids," Eli told me. "Your parents weren't even twenty-one. Jack's parents, Lady's parents, Boogey's parents. They were all young, except for my parents. Though their sixty is like our thirty."

"Everyone wants to have kids at a young age because they think they're all going to die young, too," Dad said.

Eli looked at him sympathetically. It was true. A lot of us lived for a long time, but we still thought we were going to die young. Father Time, he lived for a very long time. I couldn't help but wonder what Eli would do when Dad died, because Dad would die before Eli.

"Why didn't you ever conceive a child then?" I asked Eli.

"Because I could never put my child through the things I have to go through," he said, no hesitation. "A lot of my grandfathers weren't able to handle it. The Father Times really aren't that strong. Some times we just get lucky. My dad was able to handle it and so am I. All the Cupids are strong as can be, so are most others. The Father Times really aren't. I don't want to put a son through that, and also I am so disgusted with the female body. Like, gag. Boobs are the grossest thing in the world." He looked at Dad. "If you ever get chubby and grow a pair of man boobs I'm leaving you. I mean, girls are gross. They're like cats. Cats looks cute, but they're so squishy and weird to touch."

Dad laughed, shaking his head. Eli was weird as hell, but I guess my dad liked that.

"Whatever. I'm leaving. You two enjoy yourselves." I stood up and left them. I went into the bedroom and slammed the door, making Jack wake up.

"Why'd you slam the door?" he groaned.

"Because I want you to wake up."

"I'm hungover."

"I know, but I'm horny. I'd really like to screw you."

"No." He pulled the covers over him. "I'd at least like to be able to walk while being hungover."

"Don't get drunk again later. Today is for us, remember? Not for the wine."

"But I like wine. It makes me feel classy."

"You're naturally classy. Here." I handed him some medicine.

He sat up, throwing the covers off his head and taking the medicine. He sighed and rested against the pillows. He looked down at the blankets with a serious look, not one of pain from his migraine, but almost one of sorrow or discontent. It was simply a sad look that my boyfriend should not have.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I want to take Beauregard," he told me.

"We talked about this. We're young and not even out of high school."

"I don't want it to be too late."

"Jack, we're not going to die in the next few years."

"I'm not worried about dying soon. I'm worried about him dying soon." He gave me an indignant look.

"He'll be fine," I said to him, wanting to comfort him, putting my hand on his shoulder.

He slapped my hand away and looked at me, pissed. "How the hell do you know? You don't understand Cupid!" He was yelling through his migraine, which meant I really made him mad. Normally, if I did something annoying or wrong, Jack dealt with it. He wasn't the type of person to get pissed and throw a tantrum at every little thing. So when he was mad, it meant I really messed up. "He's not just a child on the streets Cupid. He is our child. We are suppose to take him! He's the miracle we need!"

I stood up and faced him. "Well where would we keep him? We still live with our parents! We're still kids!"

"Are we?! We've been through a hell of a lot Cupid!" He stood up, too. "Our innocence has been ripped from us." He sighed, looking so tired. "I don't want to pretend to be young and free. I am already thinking about marrying you, getting a house with you, growing old with you, picking out furniture. All of that. We're not going to miss out on anything. I don't need to find myself when I already have you, Cupid. I don't need to experience things or get the fun out of me now. I already have experienced so many things. Utter bliss when you first kissed me. Completion the first time you told me you loved me. Important the first time we made love. Complete depression when we separated. The most relief in the world when we got back together. I've felt everything I need to feel, almost. I have almost died before. I have partied. I have had fun. I've done everything I had to do, almost. Now, I need to feel like a parent and be a parent. I mean, let's face it. We will not be able to go to a party with our friends as they all act like their lives are so important. We will think of them as immature. We are through with that whether we want to be or not. We can move out and get a house. You know we can. You know exactly what we're suppose to do, Cupid."

He was right. School felt so meaningless. I felt like something was missing, and through all the things we had been through, we had matured and grown. I didn't want to party. I wanted to lie in bed with Jack and be with him. I sighed. "I don't know," I told him.

He glared at me, his jaw clenched. He grabbed the empty bottle of wine and launched it at me, just barely missing my head. It smashed into the wall, just as he ran from the room. I ran into the hall but he was out of sight. Damn it.

"What the hell happened?" Dad asked, coming out of his room.

"Nothing," I snapped.


"Jack and I just got in a fight."

"Where'd he go?"

"I don't know. He's only wearing his shorts and my shirt. He couldn't have left the building in this weather."

"How about you just let him cool off and stay in our room for a while?"

I sighed. "Fine." I went into their room where Eli was asleep in bed, wearing his dress pants and button-up shirt still. I ended up falling asleep next to Eli as Dad fiddled around the room, packing up some clothes and other things for tomorrow morning. I was tired and stressed and worried about Jack. He couldn't be mad that I wasn't sure about kids. It's children. They're a huge responsibility. I felt like I was missing out on something, like he knew something I didn't. I woke up later in the evening, the room dark and quiet. Dad wasn't in the room but Eli was lying on his back next to me, hands behind his head, looking up at the ceiling. He looked over at me, noticing that I was awake.

"Have a nice sleep?" he asked.

"No," I told him. I pressed my hands against my eyes. This was too stressful. I wake up and immediately start to tear up. It's not my fault that I'm not certain I could handle a child. I don't even know if I want to raise a child. He shouldn't be mad at me. This is something lots of people struggle with.

Eli wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me to him. I wasn't sobbing or bawling, just a few tears were streaming down my cheeks and I was sniffling. I cried onto his shoulder the way I use to cry onto Mom's when I was upset. He held me tightly, not saying anything, just the way I liked to be comforted.

"He wants to take in this child we found on the street," I mumbled. "But I don't know if I want to or if we should. I'm just really confused."

"You're probably scared. You're dad told me he was scared when he found out Joli was pregnant. And it is scary to have a child. But having a child is like true love. There will be a moment when you know it's right."

I sighed and closed my eyes. "You know, you'd be a great parent. I mean, I guess you are kind of like my step parent, but if you could have magically brought a child into the world without using a woman, and the son was your own, then he'd grow up to be great."

"You don't have to call me your step dad," he told me.

"Well maybe I want to."

I could feel him smile above me. "I'll never replace your mother."

"You come close, but I think I'll just call you Eli."

"That's fine."

"You can call me son if you want to, though."

"Thank you."

We lied in that position for a while, me finally calming down. After a while, I stood up and went to my own room. Jack was sitting on the balcony, looking tired. He had his eyes closed as the snow fell on him.

"Hi," I said.

He opened his eyes briefly to look at me, and then closed them again. "Hi," he replied.

I sighed for the billionth time that day. "Why do we absolutely have to take Beauregard? I feel like it's not just because he is a child that needs parents. If that were the case, then we could take in millions of kids on this planet. What makes him so special?"

He looked over at me. "Because he is meant for us."

"How do you know?"

He sighed, too. "I think it would be best to show you why."

"Fine." I put on my coat and shoes as he put on some warmer clothes and his coat. "Show me why."

He led me to Beauregard, and once he showed me why, I completely understood why Beauregard was ours.  


Yes. You shall be left with many questions again. It's my thing to do that to you all. Or maybe I just love to see your agony. I remember laughing devilishly at your comments when I made Jack and Cupid break up in "Frostbitten." Your pain brought me joy, because I knew they would eventually get together :) Though now your sitting here, wondering why Beauregard has to be taken by them. Muahahahahahaha!

This chapter starts out so silly with Jack being hammered and Eli being silly and then it got so serious. So many feels!

Dedicated to a fan who I believe has given me the most votes ever. I swear, she has voted for basically every chapter of the majority of my stories. So thank you so much!

Also, please check out my new story called "Classroom Reverence." It's a student teacher relationship and it would mean so, so much if you read it! It's not a boy+boy story but I hope you'll still read it! Just give it a try? It's very dear to me!



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