December 1st

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I slowly got up from the couch to answer the door. I didn't want to but it could be important and I didn't want Mom and Dad to be mad at me. I opened the door and Jack was standing there. In his arms was Goliath, my dog. That's when I lost it. I thought the was dead! I grabbed him and started to cry, him licking my face and wagging his tail. He was my best friend and now he was home.

"Where did you find him?" I asked.

"He was in the park," he told me.

I wiped my tears and looked at my dog, who was smiling up at me. "Thanks."

"You're welcome, and I won't tell anyone about this if you don't want me to."

I nodded. "Thanks, Jack."

He smiled. "Don't worry about it, Cupid."






I was extremely uncomfortable.

I was walking down the streets of humans and I just had the itching feeling to shoot some people. It had been a week and things hadn't changed. People were still getting together, but I couldn't tell if they would stay together. I did make somewhat of a decision, though. I would be with Jack until I truly knew. I decided that I'd keep my eye on multiple people and couples to see how things went without me for the years to come. Deep down, I felt like things were going to be fine. Though there was still the possibility that things weren't. I tried to ignore that, and when I was with Jack, I never thought about it.

December 1st came.

"Hi Cupid," Jack greeted once I cam over to his house. He looked at me expectantly. He had tried to be super cute, luring me to stay with him. He was really cute already, but he was being even more cute.

"Hi," I replied, lying next to him on the bed.



He smiled down at me, but I could tell he was either about to slap me or cry.

"What?" I asked.

"What's your freaking decision?!" he shouted at me.

I smiled. "You, dumbass."

He smiled, ignoring my insult and jumped on me, smothering me in kisses. "Oh really? I thought you were going to ditch me."

"Nonsense. I kind of have this feeling things are going to be okay." I also decided that I wouldn't tell him about how I was going to wait a long time to see how things went...when I'd make my real decision.

On that lovely day of celebration, Eli happened. I just want to punch him in his stupid little face sometimes. We had a meeting at the capitol building, because apparently he had a big announcement. We all gathered in the main hall and he was late - like always. He came out of his office with Lila, who just looked as rotten as ever. Dad wouldn't tell me what happened after I left, but he was brooding a lot lately. I asked Mom what she thought and she said she was fine with whatever would happen. She was fine with everything it seemed.

"Hello everyone," Eli greeted warmly. "So, I've called this meeting because I have a proposition for you all. In my time of being with the humans, I've discovered that they're missing something. They need something different. They've all rejected different things before, like different races, differenct religions, different sexualities. Wars and many deaths have happened due to people simply being different. Well, why not have something different that they like? Or something that's...more powerful?"

"What're you getting at Eli?" Dad asked, but he seemed to know what he was going to say.

"Well, I propose that we introduce ourselves to humans. We don't have to make a show about it, but why not? They use to believe in us, many centuries ago, but slowly we disappeared as they grew and we got scared. So we hid, but our stories exist. Why not make the stories true? Let the kids be able to rub it in their faces that Santa exists. Let them know pixies dance around their doorsteps. Why not?"

Nobody said anything. I mean, it was unheard of. Taboo. Nobody ever thought of making themselves known to humans. The thing is though, I didn't see a reason not to. Humans could hurt us, but why would they? It was hard for them to hurt us. A bullet wasn't as dangerous to us as it was to them. We had stronger bodies. We could live with a knife in our torso. We had powers, too. They might get freaked out, but surely they could adapt. I guess they just might blame us, though. Blame Mother Nature for storms. Jack for blizzards. Me for failed love lives. What if they didn't believe us, though? They could believe Santa and Jack easily. Mother Nature, too. Though they can't see my bow and arrow. I wasn't opposed to the idea, I just didn't think it would work.

"I know it's crazy, but if you don't want to you don't have to. I guess I'm just saying that you are free to do so if you please. I sure as hell am," Eli said. "If they don't like it and get crazy, well guess what? They can't come to our world! So, it won't hurt if we don't try, to sum it up."

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