Vacation Time

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I saw Jack walk towards me in the corner of my eye. It was easy to tell who it was because he was just so white, like a light wondering through the darkness. I wasn't sure why he was talking to me, but I was glad he was. Maybe we could actually be friends the way we use to. He had severely annoyed me recently, but he just pissed me off because he was so much better than the way he was acting. Deep down, though, I think I just don't want to love him - because a part of me hates him, but I also love him, like our old friendship. He smiled at me, and he has this ridiculously cute smile. He's just cute overall, like some kitten with sass and an ass. Yeah, I really hope we can be friends.





We went to Paris.

Duh. Eli and Jack were pestering everyone to go and so we all caved in. The human world was so nice and so big. There were countless places to go. Jack also made it snow in a few places, like back home so when we returned it would be a winter wonderland. There was a light snow in Paris, which I liked because I thought it was very romantic. We all crashed once we got to the hotel we rented out. We rented the entire top floor to ourselves, and it wasn't super tall, but we had a perfect view of the Eiffel Tower and Jack and I could go out onto the balcony to just look at it as the snow gently fell upon us. We arrived around six in the evening and then passed out. When I woke up, it was because Eli had ordered room service for all of us and brought it in with the waiters. I never understood how he was so full of energy at all times of the day.

Jack and I shared a suite and after eating and getting some energy, we did nothing but make love that first day. What else would we do? We were on vacation. The second day, though, it was actually different. We went out and toured the city.

"I know this place like the back of my hand," Eli said as we ate at a restaurant.

"You've been here before?" Dad asked flatly.

"Of course!"

"If you've been here before then why would you want to come back dumbass? You're suppose to go to a new place when you vacation and relax."

Eli rolled his eyes. "I don't relax when I'm on vacation."

"Then what the hell are you doing?"


Dad sighed but Eli just smiled.

We had to go shopping. Jack was in a frenzy. He wanted to go to every single store and buy all sorts of clothing. It's a good thing we really don't have to worry about money. He bought a bunch of clothing that I did like. Mostly silks and tight pants and lace.

"What type of lingerie should I get?" he asked as we walked, hands full of bags.

"I don't know," I said. "I don't think I like lingerie on you. I just like cute sexy outfits that I rip off."

"Okay. Then I think I'm done then."

"Good. Let's go find Dad."

We had all sort of gone out own ways, mostly in couples. Winnie and Mo, Sandy and Viv, Boogey and Lady, and so on and so on. The only people who went off on their own that's not a couple was Dad and Eli. So ha. Now I could make fun of them and say they went on a date. Eli wouldn't mind but Dad would be pissed. I feel like he wants to get back with Eli, but something is holding him back. He loved Mom, but more like a really good friend. So I don't think it can be Mom who's holding him back. She wanted them to get together anyway. So I'm not sure why he's reluctant to get with Eli.

"Found them!" Jack bellowed.

Ahead of us we saw Dad and Eli walking along the Champs Elysse, holding some bags. We caught up with them and asked, "What did you get?"

"Suits," Eli said, walking in a fancy new blue suit with blue trim.

"Nothing," Dad said. "Are you ready to go back to the hotel?"

"Yeah, I've been ready," I mumbled.

"Whatever," Jack said, rolling his eyes.

"I'm not," Eli exclaimed suddenly. "Just hold on. Let's go on a walk. It's not the coldest outside. It's fine and lovely."

Dad looked at him skeptically but I just shrugged. We continued to walk along the street, saying nothing. I didn't mind going on a walk in Paris with all the snow and people. I liked people. I noticed that many of them were getting on just fine without the help of me. I pondered on whether to do my job until I die or to just stop now. If I stop now, then they'll learn better. So I simply let them be. They're a lot smarter than we let on and they feel so much more than we do. They can handle it, and since I'm not making anything permanent, then they can fix their mistakes. God. Why do I exist? They should learn this by themselves. Why do any of us exist? I guess when it comes to the nature aspect then yes we do need to exist, but otherwise humans are perfectly fine.

Eli suddenly flinched and covered Jack's eyes and my eyes. I didn't see what happen, but I heard car tires suddenly screech and a scream. I shoved his hand out of the way and saw a woman lying in the road, two cars faced sideways. Eli quickly ran into the road to the woman. He knelt down beside her and closed her eyes, already knowing she was dead. People gathered and pulled out phones to call for help. Eli walked back over and said, "Let's go back to the hotel."

As we walked back, we saw Death walk by us, no one else being able to see him. On the way, Jack asked, "Is that why you wanted to continue walking?"

Eli nodded.

"Did you know it was going to happen?"

"I didn't know she was going to get hit by a car, but I knew something bad was going to happen to her. I don't know specific reasons, but I know when and I can just feel it. Her husband had just died two months ago, so she's happy."

"Are there people who are sad?" he asked, looking up at him curiously.

"Yeah, but they can redeem themselves. They suffer for some time but then they get to move on."

"If something were bad to happen to one of us, would you tell us? Like if thought we were possibly going to die?"

He smiled down at Jack. "I'm afraid I can't tell you that." He looked ahead and I felt really bad for Eli. My job has caused pain before, but I couldn't help but wonder about the pain he must feel knowing what it's like for people to be dead and that he knows something bad is going to happen to them. He looked calm, but calm as in it's just something he was use to, but it was still bothering him. He simply dealt with it, which very admirable.

Which is why my dad is a dumbass. Eli is annoying as shit, but he's still a really nice guy who is probably the most gallant person I know. He's simply genuine, and that's what Dad needs. Someone who's true to themself and true to others.

Jack and Eli went down to the rool at the hotel with a few others, leaving me some time to talk to Dad.

"Are you enjoying your vacation?" he asked me as we lied on top of my bed, still wearing our shoes and coats.

"Yeah," I said. "Are you?"

"It's relaxing, but not too good when Eli's bothering me."

"Why is he bothering you?"

"He just knows how to piss me off. He tells me he's trying to annoy me."

"Maybe he's annoying you for a reason."

"Like what?"

"I don't know. He's weird. He has his reasons."

"He's acting like a child."

"Maybe he's acting like one of those guys who bully and pick on the person they have a crush on."

Dad snorted and rolled his eyes.

"Why don't you be with him Dad? I don't know what's holding you back-"

"He cheated on me," he stated.

I stared at him in shock. "What? When?"

"When I was in high school, I was very stressed and Eli was always kind of my confidante. After a while, I used him more than just his advice, if you know what I mean. Once I realized half the people I thought I was suppose to be with I wasn't right for them, like with Winnie, I got to thinking that Eli and I were meant to be. So we did get together but then it hit me that it's not right, since I can't have a son with him and the same reason with you and Jack. He knew I was debating what to do with the situation and-" He shrugged. "-I just walked in on him and some other guy."

I looked up at the ceiling, because I just couldn't picture Eli cheating on cheating on my dad. I said he was very true, and I don't see him as a liar. The only time I know he lied was to his ex-wife, but she was a bitch and I don't think anyone cared about how she feels. Though he couldn't possibly have cheated. True loves don't cheat on others. No one that I have ever come across that are soulmates have ever cheated. The only cheaters are people who think they are right for each other.

"I'm gonna go see what Jack is doing," I said, sitting up.

"Alright. I'm gonna go shower." We left my room and he went into his own. Before I could make it downstairs, Eli came back upstairs with Jack. Jack smiled at me, looking cute in his swimwear.

"You should've gone swimming with us," he said.

"I didn't feel like it," I said. "I don't like chlorine. I like ponds." I smirked at him, remembering the time we went swimming over summer, the first time we did something more than kissing.

He didn't remember because he's such a little ditz. "Whatever. I wanted to show you off. Some of these girls here seem mean."

"They're not necessarily mean," Eli said. "They just have a different way of etiquette. When we make eye contact we typically smile at each other, but if they make eye contact they don't smile. Not to be rude. It's just the way things are. That's why many foreigners think these French men are perverts, because they think they have to smile at someone when they make eye contact, but these guys think they're smiling for them to come over."

Jack laughed. "I was smiling at everybody. I wonder what they thought."

"They probably thought you were a flirt."

"You are a flirt," I said.

"No I'm not! Maybe with you but not with anyone else!"

"Whatever. You smile at everyone. Flirt."

"You're a jerk. Before me you were a flirt."

"Duh. I'm Cupid."

He smiled at me and we made it to our room door. "I'm gonna go shower."

"Okay. I need to talk to Eli," I told him, making Eli give me a bizarre look.

"Alright. I'll be waiting, slut." Jack went into the room and I went into Eli's with him.

"Let me change real quick," he said and went into his bathroom. He came back out shortly wearing dress pants and a white button-up tucked into them. "What did you want to talk to me about?" he asked.

"Well," I began. "Did you really cheat on my dad?"

Then I saw Eli lose his composure for the first time. When he got excited, he was still calm about it. When I was yelling at him and blaming him for my mother's death, he was calm. When he knew something bad was going to happen, he was calm. Though the second I asked that question, his eyes grew wide and he shouted, "I didn't cheat on him!" Tears immediately flowed down his cheeks. "I told him that so many times! I didn't cheat on him! I love him so much! I couldn't do that!"

"Okay," I said, holding my hands out. He seemed crazy. He needed to be calm. "I believe you."

"Well too bad your dad doesn't." He wiped his face but the tears still kept coming. "He never let me explain..."

"So you did sleep with someone else? He said he walked in on you and some other guy."

"Yeah, but it wasn't like that. God, I didn't cheat on him!"

Dad must've been done with his shower by that time and went out to talk to me or something, because he entered the room at hearing Eli's shouting.

Eli turned and glared at him. "I told you before! I didn't cheat on you!"

Dad slammed the door, looking pissed. "Like hell you didn't."

"I didn't! God! I told you!"

"Then why the hell was some guy screwing you when I walked in. You didn't even say anything to me."

"I didn't see you!"


"I didn't! I-" Eli stopped, and he looked like a wreck. This was obviously something he hadn't brought up or thought about in a long time. "I knew something bad was going to happen, Cee. I could feel it, and it pertained to me. So I figured it just meant you weren't going to choose me. I was really upset because I kept telling myself I was going to be alone forever. So I went out and I found this club by my school. I didn't have the intention of sleeping with any of them, especially with humans." I was confused for a second, but I remembered him saying he went to school with humans and lived with them for a while. "I wasn't..." He sighed, trying to figure out how to say it. "I let people know I was there just to calm down and not have a one night stand, but I guess one guy thought otherwise and..."

"Were you raped or something?" Dad asked.

"No, I mean..." He groaned. "He put some drug in my drink and I blacked out. I vaguely remember him asking me to take him to my place and so I did and technically I was raped but I was so drugged up I didn't care. That's what you walked in on. I tried to tell you but you wouldn't let me explain, and then when I actually did have the chance I was afraid you'd be mad I went to a club and I just really didn't want to talk about it. Plus, I knew you weren't going to choose me and I had already lost you."

"If you told me, I would've chosen you."

Eli looked up at Dad, shock written all over his face. "I was going to choose you, but then I saw you and thought you were cheating on me and I decided against it. That was probably the bad thing that was going to happen. That you were going to get drugged and date-raped. Not that I wasn't going to choose you."

"Well...I think this way worked out better," Eli mumbled. "You had Cupid, who's so wonderful, and he brought a light in Joli's life. If we got together, Joli wouldn't have had anything." He groaned. "I hate life. It works out in too complicated ways."

Dad and Eli just looked at each other.

"Well," I said standing. "I'm gonna let you two work things out. See you at dinner." I left the room, a smile on my face. They'd get together again. I know they would. I went into my room and found Jack sitting in our bathtub, which is really really big and awesome for sexual adventures. I quickly took off my clothes and hopped inside with him.

"Hello love," he greeted. He climbed over and kissed me. "I'm glad you could make it."

"After this, we need to go shopping again," I told him, pulling him onto my lap.


"I think a French maid outfit would be nice for you. You can pretend to be room service."

He laughed cutely at me. "You're so silly, but we'll have to do that later. Kiss me now."

I kissed him, knowing that the City of Love worked in magical ways.


Yay! Things are working out! Now you have to wonder what I have in store next. Muahahaha!

Dedicated to another fan who comments all the time so thank you!

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Thanks :D

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