Groundhog's Day

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I am so completely miserable I feel like my heart is literally broken. I hate my life. Truly I do. I have never in my life been this confused. I never thought I could have a Broken Heart. I've seen humans with Broken Hearts, but never someone magical. But no. I am Broken Hearted. I am slowly dying. Everyday I spend apart from Jack means a day closer to death for me, and for him. I hate it because it will be so difficult in being with him, but there's no way in hell I can let him die because of me. I don't know if we can do it. Can we sustain a relationship? What about kids? What about leading on our jobs? What the hell are we suppose to do? There's a reason why this is happening.

The only way I'll know what to do is if I talk to Jack. I just don't know if he'll want to talk to me.





Jack bit his lip and waited eagerly. "Why the hell is he always late?"

"Because he's fat," I said.

"Damn hibernation."

"They hibernate because of winter you know."

"Shut up." The groundhog took his time getting out of his hole, stretching and yawning. He put his paws onto the snow and Jack shouted, "Get the fuck back in the hole for once!" He looked insulted, but then it saw it's shadow, freaked out, and went back into the hole. Jack jumped up, a smile on his face and cheered, hugging me. "Finally! Fuck you groundhog!"

I laughed and picked him up. We went back into town, let them know winter was going to continue, and they didn't complain. People were starting to actually like winter and snow, for whatever reason. Jack decided that since snow was very light this year he was going to blizzard the hell out of every where.

"I'm gonna make it snow in Italy and Greece and tons of places. Screw you Mother Nature!"

"I heard that!" shouted Nat.

Jack was super happy because in all the years he was alive the damn groundhog never went back into his hole. We went home and he decided to shower before he went out and made it snow around at night. He kept shouting what he planned to do in the shower to himself, incredibly excited to make it snow everywhere.

I went into Beau's room to see what he was doing, and found him asleep with Eli, his legs hanging off the edge and Beau snuggling up to him. Both were sleeping peacefully and I didn't want to wake them.

"Cute aren't they?" Dad asked, coming up behind me.

"Yeah," I said, smiling.

"Eli knows something good is going to happen."

"What's going to happen?"

"I'm gonna propose to him. He has no idea, though. He thinks I'm going to finally do that thing I refuse to do. I hardly talk about marriage for the sole purpose of making it a surprise."

"When are you gonna do it?"

"Valentine's Day. Duh."

"Okay. Be sure to be home for Jack's birthday celebration. Then you can go out and what not."

"I'll be there," he said. "Eli is going to be sore once he wakes up lying on that bed. Mind getting Beau? We can put them on my bed."

I walked over and picked Beau up, him sleepily waking up but quickly going back to sleep. Eli also slept like a rock, even more than Jack. Dad could've dragged him across the floor and he wouldn't have woken up. He picked his fat ass up and carried him into his room. He sat him down, took off his suit jacket, and then climbed into bed with him. I handed him Beau and the three of them cuddled up into bed. It looked really cozy, so I kicked off my shoes and climbed in with them, next to Dad and Beau. Even though Eli and I hadn't known each other long, we had an understanding. He definitely understood me a lot, more than people I've known a long time, but by now I could say I loved him in a parental way. I was glad Beau could call him his grandpa. I don't know if I'll ever call him "Dad" but I can easily say "my dads" or introduce him as "one of my dads."

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