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Jack is beautiful.

We made love for the first time and it was absolutely amazing. I love him with every inch of my body. I love him mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually and in any other way possible. That's when I realized it. When I had that moment. That's when I realized that yes we are soulmates. We reached the penacle of our love and it's just a new journey from here on out. A journey that I'm truly looking forward to, especially since it's with Jack.

Jack. He's my everything.





I sat up and stretched drowsily. I looked to my side where Jack normally slept, but he wasn't there. I first put on some pants and used the toilet, and then I went down the hall and Beau also wasn't in his room. Winnie and Mo weren't in theirs. Dad and Eli weren't in theirs. I kept going until I reached the kitchen. Jack was at the stove, cooking. He was in his shorts and my shirt along with an apron on, looking incredibly cute. Beau was sitting at the table in his high chair, eating his breakfast.

"Dad," was his way of greeting me.

I smiled at him and kissed his head.

"Morning," Jack said, smiling at me. He put the eggs and bacon onto a plate and set it down at the table, pushing me into a chair. "Happy birthday," he told me, giving me a quick kiss. He sat next to Beau and I and looked at me, excitement all over his face.

"Are you gonna eat?"

"I already did," he said.

I continued to eat as Jack waited for me to finish. The second I ate the last piece of bacon he took my plate and fork and put it in the sink. He then pulled me to my feet, grabbed Beau, carried him on his hip and pushed me down the hall to our room.

"Open the closet," he told me.

I opened it and pulled out a bag.

"Go shower and put that on."

I did as he said. I went to the bathroom, bathed, and then opened the bag. There was a pair of white pants, a green sweater, and brown shoes in the bag. I dried off, put them on, and then went back into our room. Jack was wearing a pair of light blue pants that hugged every curve, a cardigan with a little belt around the waist, and black boots. Beau was dressed in white pants, little brown shoes, and a green sweater as well.

"Where we going?" I asked.

"You'll see." He put on his coat, put on Beau's coat, hat, scarf, and gloves and I put mine on. We went to Mary's house where Drake, Lady, and Boogey all were at. It felt like ages since we had talked to them. We had been so busy lately but now we were finally able to simply relax. We showed them how Beau was ours for the billionth time and then we just sat around and talked, playing cards and pigging out. Beau is the perfect child. He doesn't cry over little things (much like me) and since he never had much for the first years of his life, he's fine with not getting things so he won't whine or cry about it. He's very nice, to simply put it. He's also very thankful. He's kind of like a puppy, but he can talk and think. That sounds weird, but when you adopt a puppy they are so thankful you brought them into your home that they always love you. That's the way he is. Plus, he loves to sleep because he never got to sleep that much before. At night, he will sleep like a rock (which is how Jack sleeps) and that gives Jack and I easy access to make love.

As we were sitting on the floor, Beau was asleep in Jack's arms, snoozing softly even though we were talking and laughing. Jack was impossible to wake up, and so was Beau. Like mother like son. Anyway, I knew Jack had the day planned out because he always had to plan big events out. He looked energetic and ready to do anything. Probably because he was going to have me do everything. After sitting around and doing nothing, it was time for the Yule (first day of winter) ceremony.

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