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Author's Note: This is a sequel to my story Frostbitten. This was written a long time ago (2010? 2011?) while I was in high school. There are probably some typos and inconsistencies because I wasn't good at editing back then. A lot of people wanted these two books republished so here we are. Thanks for the support and I hope you enjoy.


"Can I sit here?"

I looked up and saw some boy with white hair and blue eyes. "Sure," I told him.

"I'm Jack Frost."

"Cupid Heart."

"What did you get for lunch?"

"PBJ, carrots, a brownie, and apple juice." I pulled out my sandwich Mom had cut into a heart.

"I got an ice cream sandwich." He pulled it out and I was baffled to see it still cold. "Want some of it?"

I nodded. I took a bite from it at the same time he did, and we laughed. Once we finished eating, it was time for recess. "Wanna play together?" I asked him.

"Sure. What do ya wanna play?" he asked.

"I don't know. Let's pretend we're..."

"Saving the world."

"From what?"

"Uh, I don't know. Some type of monsters."

"Okay. Let's go!"

"What do you mean you lied?" Jack asked me.

I couldn't do anymore. I couldn't live knowing I was lying to him. I know he said he'd prefer it if he didn't know, but I can't lie to him. He deserves more than that. I sighed and looked at him. He was too beautiful. "We're soulmates, but we shouldn't be?"

"What? I - You - What?"

"Let me explain. When I told my dad and grandfather I loved you, I suddenly realized what our defect was. You said it once before. Our defect is that we're gay. How are suppose to have kids to take over when we're gay? If we have surrogate mothers then there's going to be something wrong with them the same way there's something wrong with us. So I lied to you because you said you'd rather be content with being miserable than being miserable with being miserable."

"Yeah, if it benefited humanity."

"Look, I told you we weren't right because I...I was scared Jack! I'm so scared for us and everyone and every living thing."

"Well don't be!" he shouted. "Quit putting the weight of the world and every single person on your shoulders, Cupid!"

"I can't!" I shouted back. "I can't help it."

"What was your plan? You were gonna pretend to love a woman and have a kid? The child would have a defect anyway!"

"I know! But if we had some surrogate mother and we raised that child then I would hate my life and blame you. I'd blame myself but I would also blame you and I can't do that. I told you I don't want to hurt you, but it seems in any situation I will. If I'm with a woman and we have a child with a defect then I'll blame her but won't feel bad about it. I just..." I ran my hand through my hair.

This is what it had been like ever since I broke up with Jack. I had been miserable. Most of all, I was confused. I hardly ever slept and I was stressed as hell. I would sit up in bed trying to figure out ways to be with Jack and be happy. I thought of all sorts of possiblities but there was something wrong with all of them. I was miserable with being miserable while Jack was content with being miserable.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know what to do Jack. I want to be with you but I want a child who doesn't have to suffer. If we get a surrogate mother then I'll hate my life and I'll be so angry with you. I'll be miserable and I'll probably commit suicide. Though if we don't have a child then..."

"Then nothing," he said.


"You've always wanted humanity to fend for themselves. They can do it. Your dad said they can, too. He said it was so bad when he was running their love, and yet he said people still fell in love with who ever was right for them."

"And what about snow? Huh?"

"Screw snow. Nobody loves the snow. I'm already giving it up this year for the sake of others. I'll give it up forever just to be with you."

"I..." Could every living person end up okay if I weren't there? I knew some people ended up with their true love in the end, even if I didn't show up. Even if they weren't right...they were happy. My parents had grown distant in the past couple of years, but when I was a child they were happy. They weren't in bliss knowing they were with the one, but they were fine. Can people live without me? "I don't know what to do," I whispered. I hated that I was confused. I felt so helpless and despicable.

"Cupid, I know you're afraid things will fail if you be with me, but even if they do - you'll still have me. I'll be there for you. I'll take the blame, too. If people decide that they hate you, well I'll be there to love you. Who would you love more? Humanity fending for itself, or your son who might not be able to fall in love?"

My son. seems the defects just get worse. My dad didn't have it as bad as me. Though what about my son? He might not fall in love at all. What if he's blind to love and hate? What if I bring a son into this world and he can't even fulfill my responsibility. He'd be in misery and humanity would still be fending for itself. But, I want to be a dad so bad. I want a son to play ball with and to sit on my lap to tell stories. I want Jack to be his dad, too. Maybe we could take in an orphan, a child who needs loving parents.

"Think about it," Jack told me. "You don't have to tell me now. I know you need hours to think things through, and once you know what you're going to do there's no stopping you."

"It might now even matter. I might die today."

Jack's face fell and I could see tears forming behind his ice blue eyes.

"I want you to know that I love you so much. You're my everything Jack. My every thought, my every dream, my sigh, my cry, my vision, the blood running through my veins, my heart pumping in my chest. Everything about you is what I love. Everything."

"Please try to be safe," he told me.

"I will." I turned, ready to leave, but he pulled me back.

"Cupid, wait, I..." He looked up at me lovingly. He leaned up and kissed me, whispering, "Before you leave, just in case you don't return." He wrapped his arms around my neck and I wrapped mine around his waist. I gently pushed him back onto the mattress, leaning over him, kissing him deeply. I loved thi boy so much, it was unfair how I couldn't let him know. Not a second went by when I didn't think of him. I need him, but yet I'd be willing to give him up. God, there's something wrong with me. I'm a monster.

"I love you, Cupid," he whispered.

"I love you, too."

We made love, because I knew he wanted that to be one of the last things I remembered just in case I didn't come back. He had no idea how he was always what I was thinking of. He screamed my name passionately, looking so beautiful, making me realize just how much I missed him. I kissed him deeply, and finally let go. I stood up and put my clothes on, holding his hand and looking down at him.

"Please come back," he told me.

"I'll try, for you I will," I replied.

"I love you."

"I know. I love you, too." I jumped out of the tree house and flew back to the capitol. It was nearly impossible because the Oak King and the Holly King were clashing against each other, and it was flying off, causing such a huge whirlwind. I landed on a windowsill, my vision being blurred due to the intense light and wind. Holly and Oak were each emitting light at each other, and I knew if one slipped up for a second he would be dead.

I knew why the Holly King and the Oak King hated each other. Every Cupid who has ever lived since their falling out knew. Oak and Holly use to be friends. They grew up together and were inseparable. When they were teenagers, that's when they discovered something.

They were soulamtes.

Oak told me the story when he found out I was with Jack. He said they had been walking through a forest down on the human world, and he said Holly seemed nervous about something. He asked him what was wrong and Holly couldn't even form a sentence. So, instead, he kissed him. And Oak kissed back. They were together for a very long time, but then they had a fight. That's the part that no one knows except for them, but obviously it was something so big they were trying to kill each other over.

I took my arrow but turned it around. When I did that, it was just a normal arrow. It wouldn't hurt anyone. I took another one and did the same. I pointed one at Holly and one in Oak's direction, but not at him. I lined them up and let go. One hit Holly in the shoulder, but the one flew in Oak's direction. Holly let go first, and Oak's force weakened. It still sent Holly flying backwards, but he wasn't dead.

"Holly!" he shouted, realizing what he had done. He ran over to Holly and got on his knees beside him. "Holly."

"See?" I said. "You thought he was dead, and that's when you realize how important he is."

"Holly, I-I'm sorry," he said, panicking.

I went over and yanked the arrow out, kneeling beside him. "Look, do you love him or not?"

"Yes - Yes! I love you Holly! I'm so sorry!"

"Oak, you don't..."

"Don't what?"

"You don't have to apologize. It's my fault."

"Stop. It's my fault. I was the one who didn't listen. Just..." He looked at me desperately.

I pulled out a gold arrow and handed it to him.

"What's this going to do?" he asked.

"Stab him with it and you'll see."

He looked hesitant, but he jammed the arrow into Holly. Holly's eyes went wide and he sat up. He coughed and the arrow faded. I didn't have to say anything, but the arrow healed him. It was basically like apologizing and making him better, but just in an arrow.

"Holly," Oak said smiling. "I'm so sorry. Please, please be with me again. I need you."

Holly smiled and put his hand on Oak's cheek. "Of course. I've missed you."

"I've missed you, too."

They leaned in and kissed. I smiled. Well, I didn't die. They stood up and held each other tightly, which prompted me to think of Jack. When wasn't I thinking of him? I was still so confused about it all.

"We should suffer," Holly said. "We've caused so much damaged...hurt so many people."

"Who's been injured?" I asked.

They looked around, and that's when I saw some bodies lying around. Quickly, I went to them all, seeing what damage was done. There was one death, Father Time's. He was lying on the ground in the corner, and Baba Yaga was lying next to him, but she was still breathing. The capitol members who hadn't been injured gathered all the wounded ones and brought them to the hospital. Bigfoot examined them all and concluded that not much had to be done. Most were simply knocked unconscious, but Father Time suffered a heart attack due to the blow. Holly and Oak vanished instantly.

"Mom? You weren't hurt were you?" I heard Jack say from the hall. I went out and he was standing with his mom, his ear pressed against her torso.

"No. Mo got knocked out, but he's awake now. He's going a little mad and is cussing at the nurses," she said.

"How's everyone else?" he asked.

"They're fine," I answered, making him turn around. "Except for Father Time. He passed away in the procress. Baba Yaga is still unstable, though, and they assume she'll pass soon."


"His son will take over."

Father Time was our leader, like our president or king and what not. Baba was like the queen. Though they did have a son and he was going to take over. I had never met him. He was only thirty-three and married to some woman no one had met. They were a reclusive couple.

"I think we've had enough excitement for one day," Jack's mom said. "Everyone quickly put the town back together and everyone is resting. So let's go home and-"

"Cupid!" I turned to see Mom, who immediately tackled me. I smiled and held her. A mother's hug. Priceless. She kissed my head a bajillion times and finally let go. "Oh, honey, are you okay? You better be. If you're not okay I'm going to make sure of it."

"Joli, calm down. He's been through a lot today," Dad said. "Now move over. It's my turn." He got me in a bear hug and lifted me off the ground. "We're real proud of you son, but don't you ever put your life in danger like that again."

"Of course."

"Let's GO!" Mo shouted, exiting his hospital room. He kissed his wife real quick and then saw me. "Hey Cupid. Nice job in saving the world."

I smirked. "Thanks Mo."

"Got yourself a real nice boy, Cee," he said to my dad.

"Thanks. How far until you're a dad?"

"She's due in January. Hopefully she doesn't turn out like her mother."

"Excuse me?" Mrs. Moon asked.

"That's not nice Mo," Mom said.

"Well, I can see where he's coming from," Dad said. "I was thrilled Cupid didn't turn out like you."

"Well he sure as hell didn't turn out like you either."

"I know. He's a lucky one."

"Too bad for Jack, though," his mom said. "He turned out to be just as stupid as his father."

"But he was cute and so am I, so it's fine," Jack said, smiling and wrapping his arms around her waist from the back, holding her pregnant torso.

"Would you care to join us for dinner?" Mo said. "I'm starving and after getting slammed into a wall, I'd like to eat."

"Certainly. How about your house?"

"Fine with me."

The four adults walked on, baffling me since my parents hardly spoke with them before. Jack and I looked after them, slowly following. "So...I'm glad you didn't die," he said.

"Yeah. Me, too," I said, mocking him.

"Don't mock me," he replied. "What're you going to do?"

"About what?"

"About us?"

"I..." I looked at him. "I'm going to think about it."

"For how long?"

"I don't know, Jack. There are many factors involved in this. Me, you, my child, an orphan child, your child, every other living person."

"Fine," he said. He eyed me shortly and then quickly wrapped his arms around me. "But I am really glad you're okay."

I smiled and hugged him back. "Give me a month Jack."

"For what?"

"I'll know exactly what I'm going to do by the end of the month."


"On December 1st, I'll let you know."

"So you could potentially break my heart on December 1st."

"I'm going to try and make everyone happy Jack."

"Fine, but what about until then?"

"Until then..."

"Be with me."

"Are you sure? I don't want to hurt you, but I have no promises. It might hurt even more until then."

"I believe you can make everyone happy," he said, smiling, and that really meant a lot to me. If he believed I could do it, then it made me believe in myself more.

"Okay," I told him.

I took his hand, kissing him once before we continued to walk onward. I could do it. I know I can. I know I can find a way to make everyone have to. If Jack believes in me, then it has to happen.

It just has to, for the sake of me, Jack, and everyone.


Yay! It's here! THE SEQUEL!!!

A lot also happens in this chapter, but I'll try to have the next chapter posted soon!

Dedicated to an awesome fan, too! Thanks for commenting and everything :D

Comment, vote, read, etc.

If you like my work and want to say thanks, consider buying me a coffee :)


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