I woke up, but I couldn't move. My eyes were glued shut and all my other senses were numbed. I could feel; however, and I felt like I could scream. The pain I felt wasn't horrific, but it still was unpleasant. I could feel the needle in my arm delivering the medicine to my bloodstream and numbing the pain,
'What's happening? Where am I? Why am I here?'
There was no answer, I couldn't speak. The air was so cold and had a smell only a hospital could have; it was irritating. Once more, I attempted to move some part of my body, but to no avail.
'Am I in a coma?'
Not a pleasant way to wake up, especially when you're known for never getting knocked out like that. Clever to use my own weapon against me, at least he had some sense in that drunken state.
Suddenly, I heard the door slowly creek open. I could hear someone's footsteps stepping closer to me while the door quickly shut. No words were said, I didn't feel nor hear the person inside do anything, it freaked me out.
Suddenly I felt someone touching my arm and holding their hand in mine. I didn't know how, but it was comforting and uncomfortable at the same time. They laid their head down on the bed placing my hand on their cheek gently. They were so warm, so gentle, yet I still couldn't place my finger on it. We lied there together for a few minutes before I felt a warm liquid touch my finger lightly. A cluster of sniffles shook their body and my hand along with it, as if they've been somehow holding them in until the last second. One thing was for sure, they were crying. It couldn't be Libia, she didn't cry, not anymore. Besides, when she cried, it wasn't the same as this, I didn't hate the sound.
I hated when Libia cried. Yes, it was for all the right reasons, but also for some of the wrong. Nonetheless, I never had to deal with Libia crying for a long time, so there wasn't a problem. The last time she cried, she was only five years old.
I had to tell her that story huh? I knew fairly well that she was only an innocent young thing, and yet I couldn't refuse to tell her a story about life back at our parents'. She was so comfortable, cuddled up in my lap as I brushed her hair with my fingers.
"Rave, why is your hair so long?" she asked me in the forever sweet, innocent tone,
"I never thought to cut it, it's always been this long."
"Because my parents forbade me from cutting it"
"Rave, why do you wear girly clothes?"
"Why do you think they're girly?"
"I see boys all the time and they don't wear the same thing as you."
"Well, they are them. Most people out there are all the same without realizing it, especially when it comes to the things they buy. Besides, I wouldn't be the same sweet; cool; protective; and relatable big brother if I didn't wear similar clothes as you. We're basically twins you know!"
We both laughed and Libia looked up at me with those big beautiful eyes. The truth was, we couldn't be more different, that's why I wanted to protect her, not just because she's my little sister. Even so, I couldn't resist but tell her the real story behind it.
"Our parents actually told me to do so." I confessed
"Oh? Why?"
"Well, at the time I didn't know that the clothes I wore were even assigned to girls. However, as I grew up I came to learn that most likely they-"
ActionEscaping from your past isn't easy, especially when you're just a puppet in the grand scheme of things. We were young, but we never had it easy. You could say we were lucky after escaping time and time again, but our fate always brought us back. Eve...