Chapter Eight

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Phillips, Domonic

I was praying that my dude made this shot. This was my money I bid on him, and that shit was real. I watched as Travis dribbled the ball, but didn't make it for the score because the dude got the ball out of his hand.

I stood up quickly dropping the chick that found her way on my lap.

"Make the fucking shot, kid!"

I sighed in relief as I realized he made it. I was five hundred dollars richer now. Afterwards, I dropped down to help the pretty caramel chick up from the ground but she scoffed and pushed her hand away from me.

"Don't touch me, I can't believe you really pushed me off of you for some mo--

I didn't even finish listening to what she said as I walked off of the bleachers giving Travis a bro handshake for the shit he did tonight. Dude was of our best players at The Hills.

"Thanks man. You coming to the kickback Chase having for me lata' on tonight?"

I nodded my head and shook hands with him again and taking the two hundred dollars out of my pocket since I did bid on him and he made that shit.

"Thanks bruh, I'm about to go see what's up with Chase so I'm gone catch you later."

I nodded my head and watched him walk off, as I turned around and was faced with Kiara, the ho' that was sitting on my lap.


She pushed her hand on her hip as I licked my lips at her thick figure. I fucked with her occasionally, but nobody else really. I wasn't up for that switching up on a bitch to have another one when I could just fuck one whenever I wanted too. And Kiara was
one of them.

She was my benefit when shit was going right at home and I had to let some shit out. She was always there and she had no shame in giving it up to me.

"Wassup? Wassup, is why you pushed me out of your lap for a jump shot, nigga."

I playfully popped her in the mouth and she narrowed her eyes at me switching her leg were she pushed her hand on.

"I'm serious right now, Domonic. Why do that when you know that shit disresptful as hell. That's just like me--

That's one thing I didn't like about Kiara though. She went on and on about shit. She never let shit go and she always wanted to start some shit with me for no reason. I literally wanted to pop her in the mouth every time she got flip with me, and sometimes I did.

"Just shut up, Kiara, damn. You know I ain't even mean to drop you out of my lap, man. You going to the extreme about it when you'll be begging me for money later from the game, man."

She rolled her eyes, but before she could even say some more shit to me I walked off. Her mouth was real reckless and she better be glad we're in public because if we weren't she would've got popped straight in her mouth.

• • •

Rose, Reagan

I rolled my eyes at the couple in front of me and rolled my eyes. Chase better be glad she was like a sister to me, actually my cousin or I would've been pushed them out of my way.

I couldn't even lie and say though, that my cousin Chase and her boyfriend the star basketball player at school, weren't the shit because they were. People knew not to mess with Travis nor Chase because shit was real between them. How much more real can it get when she has a two year old daughter that she conceived with him, Exactly.

Sometimes I was surprised though that their still rocking with each other after he found out towards the end of our sophomore year that she was pregnant and that he actually stayed around for it, and two years later still was their. I was proud, but I knew that in between all of it they had been through some things. Especially since he was about to get a scholarship to any school, and they could be away from here.

"Girl, what is wrong with you? I've been calling your name for the last minute or so?"

I turned my head and looked over at Chase and smiled.

"My bad, I was thinking about some shit. Where did Travis go?"

She rolled her eyes. "Over there to talk to Domonic's ugly ass, but I was trying to figure out if you had made up your mind about the kickback?"

I shrugged my shoulders making her jump up and down, also making me remember when she use to be a cheerleader. She had honestly dropped everything just to be a mother and I would always respect her for that.

"I'm so happy, because after last time I didn't think you were going to go--

I rolled my eyes stopping her, almost being potentially raped by a high-as-a-kite ass wasn't what I wanted to talk about, not to mention it happened like a year ago. Although, her point was made because I didn't really go to kickbacks of the school anymore that was hosted by Shoney.

"Don't bring it up, I talked to Aaliyah about it, and you know she talked me into coming saying Shoney didn't have like it use to be and shit like that."

Chase nodded her head, and scratched her pretty black hair that flowed down her back. she was brown skin, with dark freckles around her cheeks and nose, with long poofy black curls that reached the center of her back.

Sometimes it shocked me that my parents even let me hang out with her, but I guess it was because she wasn't from my mothers side of the family; she was from my dads.

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