Chapter Twenty

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Phillips, Jefferey

Trying to scratch my arm, I failed from the second degree burns, because they were fucking with me too bad too even scratch them. I continued to listen to Danielle fuss about how she thought Domonic set us up and all of this other shit.

"I'm telling you he did this, he set us up.."

"Fuck," I screamed through the pain that surfaced through my body and because she was getting on my fucking nerves. I wanted her to shut the hell up, or get out.

She looked at me like I had lost my mind and crossed her arms as I pushed my bed even farther back. "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"Danielle, do me a favor and shut the hell up," I spoke. "Domonic didn't do this shit. Somebody on Alonzo them side did this."

She shook her head, and immediately dropped her hands. "I told you not to start a war with them, but you didn't listen."

I shrugged my shoulders. "Danielle shut the fuck up. We did it, we killed their fucking son before they had the chance to kill your ass or his."

She gasped. "Me? Why not you? You think you invisible or some shit because newsflash Jeff, your not, obviously."

Danielle was and always would be my ride or die. We had been through some shit, a lot of shit and no matter how much we fucked around on each other, or hated each other. We would always ride for each other. We had too much dirt on each other in these streets, and too much history too leave one or the other hanging.

We had been fucking around since my days on the comeup, because just like I was struggling, she was too. We might not love each other like we used too, but we ain't giving up on the hustle we built together.

Standing at 5'6 with the six inch heels she had on, Danielle was somebody I wasn't in love with it, but now only loved because of our history with one another. No doubt, she was beautiful and everything about her had me turning heads but we just weren't their with each other like we use to be.

Her fair light skin, with sandy brown and a mixture of black loose waves hanging in her shoulder length hair. She had on her blue jean dress shirt, a pair of blue jeans with a slight cuff, and her six inch colorful heels--featuring Jada Pinkett.

She was everything I wanted, and one day I had her, and the next day I lost her. I wasn't afraid to say that the streets, the hustle, the money, tore us apart. I wasn't afraid to say that, because it did and I was regretting every day of it.

Even though he was in love with another woman.

Rose, Reagan

I stopped my Range Rover to were the valet could park it so that I could to dinner with this jackass. I didn't even understand why he brought me here, or asked me to even meet him here. Their was nothing that would ever happen between Domonic and I again.

I had been through so much with him just in a few days. I didn't have the time to sit there and talk to him, nor fuck with him, but here I was meeting him at this fancy ass restaurant.

After giving the valet my keys, I headed over to the restaurant even though I was secretly shaking in my boots. I was scared of what could happened tonight, and since he was my dead baby's father, I was even more afraid.

I decided to just wear something simple which was a light brown baby Tee which tied up in the back, leaving my back exposed, a pair of white skinny jeans, and my brown bootie heels with my hair up Ina messy bun with a couple of loose curls falling towards the back.

Other than that, I was ready for whatever he wanted so that I could leave. He shouldn't have even wanted to meet me, honestly, I don't think we have anything to talk about, but I'm sure his bitch Kiara does.

I walked into the restaurant, and was immediately filled with comfort and hunger from the smell of curry chicken. "May I help you?"

I looked up, and nodded my head, at the employee, "I'm suppose to be meeting um, Domonic Phillips."

She nodded her head, and smiles, "Say no more, him and his family are one of our usuals, follow me."

I furrowed my eyebrows, but smiled and followed her anyway. Him and his family were one the usuals, and he decided to bring me here, something had to be up, and I kind of had a clue.

I continued to follow her were she was taking me, as I thought about how my plan was falling into action. I knew his father had killed my brother, so the button that I told my father to push yesterday, was to light their shit up. But I had to admit I wasn't understanding why he brought me here, if his family didn't know anything about me.

I didn't have long to think, as we made it to the table that held Domonic, and his bum ass friends. I don't know why he brought me here with the rest of them here, but I was about to figure out.

I thanked the woman who had just brought me here before sitting at the table that was shaped like a circle, with me directly infront of Domonic.

He, and the rest of his people looked at me while I stared at him hard and cold.
"What do you want with me?"

Domonic smirked at me, while I continued to just look at him while in the inside all I wanted too do was burst out in tears. I started to wonder why I even bothered to come here? He had hurt me, and terminating my pregnancy, wasn't helping me right now.

I started to think about what I would have named him or her. What everything would've been like, would I have been a good mother, would he have been in our child's life, and it made me think of how hell would be when I got there. I had aborted my child, killed my baby, and I knew the devil had a place for me in hell.

I couldn't even take looking at this red headed bitch, or Maine, or Domonic. I had to get up, and I had to get out of here. It was all just making me so sick, and most of all I was sick of myself, and the person I had become.

As I walked off from the table, and out of the restaurant, I wondered where my life had went wrong, and when and how did I become such a bitch. And right then and there, I knew I had lost my mind, I wasn't my mother, and I never would be.

I had a abortion, and I didn't tell my baby's father before I had it, but it wasn't suppose to break me like this, was it? I stood by the side of the restaurant with tears coming down my eyes, just thinking about everything and how this had fucked my mind way up.

I wasn't my mother. I wasn't my father. I wasn't my brother. I was and I am Reagan, not anybody else. I had an abortion, and I admit that it hurts me, it hurts my mind, my body, and my soul from what I did.

It felt so good to admit it to myself, and once I did it felt like something had been lifted from my heart. I felt a lot better that I had admitted it to myself, but once I looked at Domonic coming over to me, I knew that I still had a lot on my heart.

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