Chapter Thirteen

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Rose, Reagan

As I ran, all I could hear was my hard breathing as the tears fell from my eyes. He was suppose to be their for me, my brother was suppose to save me, but I guess momma was right when she said he could never live up to his promises. And all he really cared about was his stupid bitch, girlfriend, Kiara.

I looked behind me to see that no one was behind me and that I wasn't being followed. I slid my phone out of my pocket and called my brother, the on who was too busy laid up that he forgot about the job.


"Hello, is that all you have to say?"

"What you mean Reagan. I'm busy right now with Ki--"

"Kiara huh? Too busy that you fucking forgot about what your promised you would help me with? I just lost five thousand fucking dollars because you too busy wanting to get your dick wet with your whore!"

"Reagan, watch the way you talking to me and calm down. Where are you at right now?"

"Why does it even matter you weren't there when I needed you. You know what, you actually haven't been there lately and you know when you told me to stay away from Romeo. I lied and said I would but I didn't, and you know what else, I fucking hate you, and I wish you weren't my fucking brother."

I hung up the phone and continued my walk home, nothing he could say would change my mood and for all I care him and his bitch could die.

"The job took that long?"
My mother questioned as I walked through the door as I nodded my head.

"Yeah it did," I spoke keeping it short as possible as I felt up the stairs ready to take a shower from the long ass walk I traveled close to fucking midnight.

As soon as I opened my door I was faced with my brother, sitting on my bed with his phone in his hands.

"Get out!"

"I forgot Reagan. I'm sorry alright, I know imma dick for forgetting but forgive me alright. I know you got tha heart too babysis."

I rolled my eyes.
"You don't know what I have the heart for and I wish you just get out. Don't you have a date planned with your fat bitch?"

"Don't call her fat, just because your chest and ass is flat Reagan."

"And? I'm your sister and you know what, you can just get the fuck out if you want to talk about me like a dog and like this isn't my room."

"You know I didn't even mean it like that Reagan. You know I love you babysis and it's good you ain't as developed as these ho's out here because that's exactly what these niggas looking for. I want you to find somebody worthy Reagan which brings me to Romeo. He ain't worthy enough for you. You weren't serious about you still talking to him were you?"

I shook my head.
"An answer depends on if you promise not to ever leave me behind and start talking to me again like you use too."

"I hope you ain't been fucking this little bitch, but yeah I promise."

Feeling something hit my nose, I stopped thinking about Karmelo and the smile dropped from my face as I desperately wanted to punch Domonic for pushing a French fry in my nose.

"I was just trying to get your attention. If you were thinking about us fucking, it don't have to be a thought."

I rolled my eyes stuffing a French fry drenched in ketchup in my mouth. Over the course of minutes in the car and minutes in the restaurant, he had really been interesting and a nasty perv, but at the end of the day he was a sexy-mind-blowing-best-sex-game-boy that I was into, sexually.

"It doesn't nigga, and why do you always have to be so damn nasty?"

"When did you become the smartest bitch in high school?"

I laughed. "Just because I serve detention and don't fuck with the teachers at school and not like your everyday hoes doesn't mean I'm dumb."

He laughed. "Did I ever say you were dumb?"

"Basically, and not to say I wouldn't enjoy kicking your ass because my brother just died because I actually would."

"You think I wouldn't fight back?"

"I'll have you fucked up so back, you wouldn't be able to, plus I'm not your mother nor your ex bitch. I don't let niggas kick my ass."

He smirked. "No difference from how your mama basically fucks around over your father."

I smiled as he looked at me and I looked at his barely touched food before looking up into his eyes. He looked fuckable right now, and I wanted to fuck him and I'm sure he wanted to do the same to me, and right now I kind of didn't mind.

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