Chapter Sixteen

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Rose, Reagan

Looking through my text messages, I sat still as I let Chase take down my twist before we got ready to school. I was really dreading going to school though because I had to see dumb and dumber, and I really wasn't up for much sitting in a class or doing work. I was only going because Chase was making me go.

I thought I could try out again for a request to stay at Travis's since that's were we've been laying out head at night. Only because she didn't want me to be alone at his apartment since he was gone for a week for basketball, anyway.

I opened my mouth to ask but before I could she had hit my head.

"I'm done, so you can get up and go take your stanky ass to the shower."

I rolled my eyes. "Well, I'm actually going to stay here because-"

"Because of what?" She questioned putting her hand on her hip, looking at me through her eye glasses. "Your two little boyfriends?"

I rolled my eyes again.
"Actually no, that's not why. I just don't want to go, I don't feel good now that I think about it."

I really didn't feel good, so I wish she would just give me a break and let me stay, but something was telling me that I was still going to be going to school, rather I wanted too or not.

Phillips, Domonic

I wasn't worried about college much to be honest, I really just wanted to take over my fathers throne and live my life. School wasn't something I was fully focused on but getting this paper was always my deal. I was just here today because in order for me to take the throne from under my fathers hands, I had to have my high school education.

Right now, I was just sitting at the lunch table doing what I do with my boys since we were on lunch and since I wasn't really up for leaving the campus.

I hadn't seen Reagan since a couple days ago and once she left I decided to take my ass back home and go back to school, which she hadn't been going too. I had been trying not to worry about her, but knowing that she wasn't fucking with nobody including myself, I couldn't help but too. I just wanted to make sure she was somewhere safe, that she was alright.

But she wouldn't answer my calls nor my text and after doing that for two days, I decided that it was best if I just stopped blowing her phone up. If she wanted me to know she was okay, she would answer. I just know she's okay because she kept pressing the ignore button, and reading my text messages. Other than that, we hadn't talked and we definitely hadn't been ducking around.

"You cool, D?"

I nodded my head. "I'm good Shoney," I spoke.

He chuckled, "You sure cause' you seem out of it mane."

I shook my head. "Well, I'm good nigga, just thinking about some shit."

He nodded his head before turning around and talking back to Maine, I turned my head and saw Kiara looking over at me from the table she was at. She smiled and waved at me, but all I could muster up was a head nod.

Kiara was every niggas dreams for her looks, but her mouth was reckless and she couldn't control it. She thought she was the best thing walking around school, and niggas had her head boosted too far up her ass. if she could just keep her mouth shut, she could be tied down with someone.

I looked back over at her, and saw her pointing at her phone to tell me to check mine. I nodded my head and picked up my phone, cutting it on, her message popped up.

"Meet me in the girls bathroom, please."

I looked back up at her and nodded my head, watching as she got up with a smile to go the bathroom.

I turned back around to Shoney and Maine, and told them I had to go to the bathroom before getting up and walking off.

Walking into the girls bathroom, I went into the first stall and she was already waiting on me with her jeans and panties off, standing with her plump ass to the door.

Bringing my jeans down, and my boxers, I pushed her up on the wall and pushed myself into her opening, fucking her hard and fast as she kissed my neck and wrapped her legs around me.

"Fuck," I groaned imagining that I was with Reagan instead of Kiara because although Kiara was tight, Reagan was was better and right then and there, I wished I was deep into Reagan, rather than Kiara.

"Damn baby, your going so fast,"
Kiara moaned as she came and right after with Reagans name rolling off of my lips, I came too.

Kiara pushed me off of her, and looked at me as if I had lost my mind as I couldn't believe I had just called her Reagan. She didn't look shit like Reagan, nothing about her said Reagan to me.

"So you've been fucking Reagan, huh?"

I shrugged my shoulders, and before I knew it I had pushed her on the wall again but this time with my hands wrapped around her neck.

"Let me go, Domonic, I promise I want say shit," she whispered.

I smiled, kissing her cheek as I let her neck go watching as she dropped to the ground. "And it better stay that way, Kiara."

I pulled up my jeans over my boxers and got ready to leave out of the bathroom after I watched Kiara leave. I couldn't even believe myself, and that I let that ho hear me slip. I knew Kiara wasn't going to say shit, because I had too much on her that she couldn't.

I walked out of the bathroom, and turned my head to see Reagan, who was shaking her head. she turned back around going the other way from the bathroom, but I knew I couldn't just let her walk away like that.

"Reagan just let me explain," I spoke once I got ahold of her arm.

She snatched it away from me and looked at me with bloodshot eyes, "And let you explain what? How you fucked over me, or better yet just fucked some girl in the bathroom? I'm not stupid Dominic and quite frankly I don't give a damn what you have to say. We made a promise that we wouldn't fuck nobody but each other, but I guess you couldn't wait to fuck another bitch, huh?"

"That's not even wh-"

"I don't care what it is Domonic," she yelled."Just know that this thing that was going on between us is done. You'll never touch me again, so keep on messing around with your ho's because we both know that's all you wanted to do!"

She tried walking away but for some reason I found myself grabbing her arm in the middle of the hallway that was empty.

"Wait, Reagan, just let me explain."

"Let you explain what, Domonic, just let my--"

She pushed me off of her and ran to the bathroom, with her hand over her mouth.

So what is wrong with Reagan? Is she catching feelings? Is Domonic wrong for breaking the promise? Is he right about Reagan fucking around with someone else? Was Reagan honest about saying that she wasn't letting him mess around with her anymore? Why did she run to the bathroom? Will Kiara tell?

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