Chapter Fifteen

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Phillips, Domonic

I looked at the test message a few times, before texting Kiara back fuck you, since she wanted to play games with me. I wasn't quite done with her, but she called herself mad because I hadn't talked to her lately, and because I hadn't been at school for a couple of days either. I just couldn't figure out how that was her business as I sat through this pointless meeting at my dads trap house for our next move.

Putting my phone back in my pocket, I pushed my head from under the table and tried to pay attention when I was bored out of my mind and ready to get back to the house.

I heard my phone vibrate again and pulled it out, smirking at the message I seen.

"When you coming back thru?"

"Must miss this di-"

"Son, can you tell this fool why we don't his product and why it's not substantial for us, since he can't understand from one mouth?"

I nodded, my head and pushed my phone back into my pocket. I looked back up, and started talking about the product that he was trying to offer us, ready to go.

Rose, Reagan

I stirred the pasta in the pot for a quick second as I listened to Chase talk over the phone.

" know I didn't have anything to do with what was going on, so why didn't you call me back slut?"

I shrugged my shoulders as if she was there as I season the chicken, shrimp, and sausage that was cooking in the skillet.

"I don't know, but you know I didn't mean any of that stuff that happened towards you. It was just towards my so called parents, and Kendrick."

She sighed. "I know, Kendrick told me everything and he knew I would prolly get a hold of you before he did, so he wanted me to apologize. I'm not trying to pick sides or anything, but you know Kendrick is always there for you, and maybe it seemed like he picked your parents side, he just didn't know what was happening and seeing you attack Rose made him go to her first."

I rolled my eyes, because I knew he was going to do this. he was going to get Chase to do his work for him, instead of doing it for himself, when all I wanted to do was hear it from his own mouth not bring our cousin into this.

"I'm not trying to be rude to you or nothing like that Chase cause' I know you're trying to make things alright, but if he wants to make things better he needs do it himself and stop jumping the gun in every situation like he did the other night," I spoke.

"I understand were your coming from, and I'll stay out of it, but y'll do need to talk Reagan."

"I know we do, but am I ready for that right now? No, I'm not, I already have enough on my plate as is."

She sighed. "Alright, well let's talk about something else. like where have you been staying this entire time, cause' let's face it, your cute ass been gone three days, and I know you somewhere you don't have no business?"

I smiled, and started laughing. I knew I could trust Chase with anything and she wouldn't turn her back and tell someone else, but I wasn't sure if this was the right thing to tell her.

"Well," I spoke. "You know Domonic Phill-"

"Domonic what?"
I heard behind me, and bit my lip, hanging up the phone and turning around to face Domonic.

I hadn't even heard him coming in, and I knew he was probably mad at the fact I told somebody that we were fucking around.

"When did you get here, and how much did you hear?"

He chuckled. "Enough to know that you told one of them ho's about us fucking around. I thought this was just suppose be between us two, not you, me, and the rest of them girls that you talk to?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "Well, it kind of just happened."

"So your telling me that us ducking around just fell out your mouth to one of these messy ass ho's?"

I chuckled, and raised my hand.
"Chill with that ho, word, because Chase isn't a ho. And like I said it just happened, it's not like Chase is going to go tell anymore because I know she want."

He clinched his teeth.
"How do you know that?"

"Because I do."

He nodded his head after I said that and walked behind me, to turn off the stove which I wasn't even paying attention to anymore because of him.

I watched as he turned off the stoves that I had been using, and turn around back to me.

"I think it's time for you to go home, Reagan, and I'm not just saying that because you pissed me off," he spoke and I chuckled filling my eyes.

I couldn't even believe him right now.
"Well then why are you saying it?"

He tried to grab alone to my waist but I backed up, giving him the hint that I didn't want him touching me when I just wanted an answer.

"You need to make things right with your brother, and your parents."

I squinted my eyes at him, and pushed my hand on my hip. "And when did you start caring so much about my family?"

"Don't start this shit, Reagan."

"Start what shit, Domonic? I'm just saying, what has made you care about me or my family like that because let's face it, at the end of the day, the only thing you thinking is fucking me."

He didn't even respond as he just stared at me and I stared right back at him, he had made me angry, just like Romeo, just like Kendrick, and just like Karter. I couldn't deal with this right now, and I couldn't deal with him.

I didn't know what gave him the right to tell me I can't tell my friends shit, when I'm sure he tells his friends everything. He acts as if he runs me when he doesn't and he never will.

He just proved to me that he doesn't really care about me, all he cares is about is what's between my legs. His affection, as long as he's fucking me, then everything's fine, and it hurts, it really does. But I wish it didn't.

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So should Domonic be mad? Is it right that Reagan is hurt, should she be? Is he a hypocrite for telling her she can't tell her friends when when she first came over Trinity knew and he didn't tell her? Was it rude for him to tell her to leave? What is wrong with Reagan? Do you think that Domonic really only wants to fuck her or does he actually care about her?

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