Chapter Fourteen

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Rose, Reagan

Groaning, I pushed the covers off of my fave from hearing my loud ass phone booming close to my ear. I knew it was probably Kendrick or my father so I decided not to pick up because first I'm sleep and second of all I had nothing to say to them.

But it ring again, "WHAT?" I shouted finally picking up, my phone had been ringing off the hook since yesterday and of course I didn't bother to answer.

"I know your brother just died, Reagan, but that don--"

I couldn't even let him finish talking as I sat up in the bed with a shocked expression on my face along with my shapeless grin spreader across my face. The only thing I could say was Karter.

"In the flesh baby. You gone come thru and see me?"

I laughed. If anything could brighten up my day, it was my bestfriend coming into town.

"Hell yeah, where you at now?"

"At home. That's cool wit' you?"

I rolled my eyes, forgetting the fact that he probably thinks Romeo and I made up, when we hadn't fully, and I still didn't think I wanted too.

I bit my lip and wrapped the covers tighter around my nakedness.

"Actually, no. I was thinking we could meet up at Pete's.."

He sighed and I heard him laugh before he responded a dry ass yeah, which made me laugh too before I ended the call. I couldn't stop smiling for nothing in the world.

I slipped on the pink and blue sweatshirt I had, a pair of distressed blue jeans, and my brown Birkenstocks, and made sure to use water and my conditioner from my purse to curl my hair up the best I could.

As I was fluffing it out, Domonic appeared behind me in the mirror, with one hand in his basketball shorts and the other to grab onto my waist pushing himself into my ass.

I stopped focusing on my hair and squinted my eyes at him, but that only made him out his head in the crook of my neck and start to kiss me, and eventually bite me, leaving me to close my eyes and leave him to his job.

He started to push his hands up my sweatshirt as I heard my phone ring which made me pop my eyes open and realize that I was suppose to be meeting Karter, making me jump and pick my phone up.

I spoke as his kisses started getting slower and his hands moved from my waist which made my body frown.

"Where you at, Reagan?"

"I'm about to pull up, just order for me," And I hung up, then turned around face to face with Dominic, who had a smirk playing on his lips. Even though I didn't find shit funny in the first place.

"What's so funny?"
I questioned him as he tried to wrap his arms back around my waist but I stopped him with my hands as he chuckled.

"You, and the fact that I got yo ass whipped," he said trying to stick his head between my neck but I stopped him again according to my low laugh. Even though he still found himself between my neck, planting kisses there, as I pushed my hands in his basket shorts then to the next layer beneath his basketball shorts to stroke him.


"I said I was sorry, how long you gone hold that against me Karter?"

I questioned as we sat at the table in Pete's to get some breakfast even though it wasn't even breakfast time anymore since it was going on 12 in the middle of the day

He sucked his teeth and shook his head.
"I'm not even tripping over that shit anymore, I just want to know who you let slob and bite over your neck like you ain't shit?"

I rolled my eyes, and spoke up, "that's none of your business." And it wasn't. he was so persistent in finding out who put hickies on my neck and had it flaming red, when that was none of his business. That's just like me asking him about his girl and the hoes he fucks down in college.

"That's just like me asking you about Courtney's black ass and how, I'm sure, you kiss and bite all over neck," I finished.

He chuckled. "You know you ain't shit right?"

I smiled, "I guess we both ain't shit then, so now that we're over that, tell me how is the college life and being without your bestest friend?"

He smiled. "School is good, especially the parties and since I know you about to ask about Courtney, she good too. She just chilling at her own parents house, visiting right now."

I nodded my head, and sipped on my Lemonade.

"So, you've been being faithful?"

He chuckled. "Lately, I have. Romeo told me that Y'LL was back cool so why y'll ain't kicking it like y'll usually do cause' I know he ain't put them hickies on your neck."

"Well," I spoke. "Ever since Romeo went and told my parents that I kissed Dominic, shit just hasn't been back to normal."

"But he told me y'll had been fucking around at one of Shoney's parties, and when you started going to Shoney parties?"

I rolled my eyes.
"First of all, he needs to stop running his mouth like a bitch to you, and saying everything that I do you, because that's not your business and quite frankly it's not his either. If I want to tell my bestfriend something I can do it own my on, with no help from your messy ass brother."

"He was only look-"

"He wasn't looking out for shit when he told my parents that, and if he has something to say he shouldn't get you to tell me, he should be a man and tell me hisself instead of mamas boy. He acts like I'm not going through enough shit already, like my brother didn't just died and he if really wanted to get on my good side, he would've called me, and so would you once in a while."

I picked up my purse off of the remainder of the seat and ignored him as I fished for my wallet and put a twenty dollar bill out as a tip so that I could leave.

I couldn't even believe Romeo, and the nerve he had to make it seem like he wasn't to blame for any of the shit going on with us. Like he was completely innocent when he was the problem in the first place. Maybe I shouldn't have tried leading him on at Shoney's parties or leading him on at all, but now I'm done with that chapter of my life. Im tired of him and his games and thinking he had control over me and my body when he doesn't and trying to get my bestfriend to check me, doesn't help the situation.

All he was suppose to do was be there as a friend and be there to fuck me, with no strings attached, but his attitude got in the way of that and I just can't take it anymore.

20+ votes, 10+ comments.
Karter is back into town, how do you guys feel about him coming at her like that knowing her brother just died? Who is obviously whipped between her and Domonic? Is she wrong for how she is doing Romeo?

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