🍪 Eyes of Flint

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> Been a while but have a short one shot in the Sandman's point of view before he fell into the particle accelerator


Sitting at a bus stop a lone man with a jug of sweet tea, a bag of his belongings he hadn't seen since four years ago, and a newspaper was spread across his lap. While cars blared past and general life went on he would have popped off the top of the container and taken a swig before he read article title after article title.

Superheros at Large!

No More Danger In New York?

Blasted Spiderman Has Struck Again!

Alien Attack?!?

The man had been reading reports to see what was going on and increasingly getting anxious. Flint's heart pounded in his barrel chest as he looked up to watch the world around him.

"What am I doing..."

He breathed as confliction struggled within him while he gripped the paper and set it aside. Clasping his calloused hands together he could only see images of his daughter laying in her bed with a dripper and his failures pointing at him laughing.

When he was younger life had been simpler. He was by himself with no one to hurt as he went about going to high school while selling drugs on behalf of a dealer.

Back then he was relatively bad at keeping a straight face when before authority and the thought made him snort. He's never been the brightest in any respect but it seemed to him that he's developed a knack for being caught even when he's learned many things on the streets.

Between times behind bars and escaping he had married, had a daughter, and was divorced just as quickly. Life was a blur to him and it never seemed to matter. He was no one, worthless, and the only thing he was good at was messing his life up. But most say you begin to wise up when you become a parent. For a while, Flint lingered around New York with the thoughts of all he had become and all that he'd accomplished before him.

He had recently become aware of the situation of his daughter and despite the fights with his ex, he tried to see them when he could. But his life of crime demanded his patronage and he was always falling away just to come back after months of silence.

His ex was right... It was cruel to just show up and leave again. Flint was a grown man, he should be trying to change if he wanted to do anything positive. But despite her words, he repeated the actions with money always finding itself tucked under his child's pillow to help pay for what he's been missing.

He didn't know what else to do.

After tears had slipped down his cheeks, he wiped them away and grabbed his things. Beginning to walk down the street, he was distinguishable from the normal. He was overly muscular and mean-looking and walked with a burden weighing heavy on his back. He talked to get to the point and reacted to back talk and intimidation quicker than a bomb about to go off.

All of this marked him as a low-life yet with blood on his hands, Flint felt as if he deserved to be in his particular situation. He never meant to take a life. Never meant to kill. While he was as immoral as they come he always stopped before pulling a trigger. An odd thing as he'd been shot countless of times himself. Life was precious to him and it reflected in his guilty love for his daughter whom he knew he didn't deserve. He couldn't bear to confess to murdering Ben Parker, but with his luck, authorities would find him and finally lock him up for good.

But before that day came, he was going to fight like hell.

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