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(WARNING : Contains death and a sort of spoiler if you haven't finished the series! Anyways just a sad fic I wanted to write :') man, I really have to rewatch this anime. It's been like two years xD it was so good and sad hAhahah)

I couldn't remember when I signed that contract to become a magical girl.
Really, I couldn't remember anything.

Now as the rain fell lightly over my magical girl outfit and my friends around me dead, I could barely breathe then remember.

The smell of death surrounding me was so sickening making my tears fall down my cheeks as I laid in a puddle of mud and blood.

My life was normal once. Friends, school work, playing with my little brother, and talking to my parents about boys.
I was a girl once worrying about if my bows in my hair were too flashy, but now the only worry I had was if I was going to die.

I didn't want to die! I had to save everyone! My friends wouldn't want me to give up like this dying silently in a mud puddle. I can't die I can't die I can't... die.

My light pink eyes cracked open as I stared up tiredly at the crying face of one of my best friends, Homura Akemi.

Akemi's black hair was mated with sweat and blood as her trembling hands shook me silently mumbling my name. Her purple glasses where cracked but she still left them on the bridge of her nose even if they no longer where useful. Even if I was scared in this moment of what would surely be my death, I knew it would be harder for my friend to let go.
This would happen again but it was okay.

"Madoka p-please.... Please don't leave me! I c-can't do t-this anymore.... we need to g-go. We n-need to come up w-with a better plan!"

Her silently sobs made my heart squeeze but I said as firmly as my dying body would let me.

"Akemi.... I need you to go."

The dark haired girl's weeping began to make her shake as she clutched my hands. I smile up at her.

"Listen to me now, we don't have time till the witch is here. I'm going to die... I need you to kill me before I turn into a witch."

Akemi furrowed her eye brows as she bowed her head. She let out a shrewd scream, so broken and full of sorrow.

"No, Kubay can save you! Wish yourself better! Do this Madoka! You are not going to die again!"

She screeched gripping my hand tightly making me groan in silent pain. So much pain...

"Akemi... you are truly my best friend. I trust no one but you to make sure the world is saved."

I gently and painfully moved Akemi's ink black gun into her hand and sighed as I looked up at the sky.

"My soul gem is almost black. I can feel the corruption taking over my memories. I don't want to die forgetting you."

Akemi finally looked into my eyes, her puffy, purple orbs shining with sadness and slowly burning grief.

"You know I can't... I can't do that. I need you Madoka.... Please don't do this...."

I smiled as I moved her hand that was holding the gun to my temple, gently pressing it to my skull.

"Good bye... Akemi."

A scream and a loud bang was heard as the girl that was once normal laid dead in a watery mud puddle in the middle of a dying city.

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