🍑The White Canvas (unfinished)

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(Little unfinished scrap of though)

A minute.

A day.

A week.

A month.

A year.

It had been a long time since the painter could
remember creating art.

Feeling the joy of it
as the paint-dipped end
of a paint brush
slid across a
blank canvas.

The innocent Pink blush and
Purple shimmer of acrylics where he favorite.
Fresh olive-green and luminescent orange were the color of her eyes.
The quick-drying blue was the color of the babies room.
The gray radiant shine of silver was the color of her cofin.
The richest azure and frightful brown where her wardrobe.
And wine red was the color of her dead lips.

How he loved to
create such grand art
with different colors and

He remembered that he once could see all these colors
as the memory's of them
danced in his head.

But now, all this sad man could see was the annoying blank canvas.
Nothing came to his mind when he peered at the paint waiting to be used. After the accident, the colors seemed so far away.

His eyes rested on a beautiful wooden brush. It seemed to wave at him when his stair dragged across it.
The wood handle crafted and cut to perfection. It had little vines and leaves trailing around it. It's brush tip the soft fur of a squirrel tail.

The brush although beautiful was clearly used but it didn't stop the man from wondering.
A gift or a curse for an artist to have nothing to paint with such a beautiful brush?

He had no way to see the colors that smiled up at him as he stared at that blank white canvas.

His hands shook as he so very slowly grasped that beautiful paintbrush, letting his calloused hands run over the delicate wood he knew all too well.

He slowly let the brush slid into some paint and took it out. The once bright yellow on the tip seemed too dark and heavy as he stroked it across the canvas.

Gently he took his time and before him lay a painting of a yellow sunflower.

The flower was familiar to the grey-eyed man and seemed to make his eyes flicker with something other than dread.

Slowly the man took a sharp breath of surprise as the flower pealed from the canvas and gently floated on the floor.

The man blinked down at the flower and then back at the canvas now white again.
For a heart beat, he scratched his head in confusion, then slowly a mischievous small smile spread on his face.

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