🍪Tatsumi and Yumeko!

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(I don't own these characters from Shadow of the Fox By Julia Kagawa btw this has spoilers because it's based after the book! Also, Everyone can't see Yumeko's kitsunes, that's still a thing.)

Yumeko's point of view

I couldn't fall asleep as our group decided to sleep under the stars. We stopped as the sun went down and took camp near a forest.
Tatsumi and Daisuke went hunting for food while Okame and I gathered veggies. The shrine lady grumbled but pitched in deciding to make the gathered foods into a soup that settled our hunger. After the meal, Okame-san was the first to pass out after drinking till he dropped.My nose scrunched up in disgust thinking about how it felt after having much less than he did. Definitely not planning on drinking any time soon, though sleeping would be greatly appreciated right about now.

I shifted and looked to my left to see the sleeping figures of the shrine lady and the monk. Both had decided to separate themselves a bit from us in favor of sleeping next to a thick rooted tree. Their guardians, both took up a spot near their masters and we're snoozing soundly. I still didn't like dogs much and these two certainly did not help my fear any better. I have gotten growled at before by Chu and steered clear of their watchful eyes most of the journey.
Slowly my eyes drifted to settle onto Daisuke.

His white hair shining from the moonlight as he gazed out into the distance, a serene relaxed expression on his face. His sword was out and propped up on his leg while his other leg dangled off the tree. I blushed at his beauty and decided to instead scan the trees in the distance as I thought. Tatsumi said he wanted to take watch tonight, but the prince merely smiled and made his way into the tree.

I felt a sadness settle in me as I thought about Tatsumi. We had barely spoken after he was freed from the demon sword and stripped from being a samurai. A ronin, no longer part of the Shadow Clan. He seemed to ignore me and I couldn't handle the icy looks and silence from him. Sitting up I stood up quickly but imminently regretted it as black filled my vision. I steadied myself waited for my eyes to adjust before making my way far from the dark boy laying on his back just beyond my own sleeping spot. After everything, he stopped sitting up as he slept. As if he was physically, and mentally tired. I didn't blame him after his clan turned their backs to him.

My ears twitched as I began walking, carefully avoiding my other sleeping companions over to the tree where Daisuke sat.
He looked down at me and smiled his warm genuine smile of his and I smiled back a bit forcefully. My mind was rather clouded.

"Hello Yumeko-san, are you having trouble sleeping tonight?"

I thought for a moment then I shook my head, looking towards the forest.

"No, just thinking. I have been... a bit distracted lately."

Daisuke propped his head up on a fist and raised his eyebrows in question.

"Ahh, understandable. Maybe a walk will clear your head?"

I blinked slowly and turn my head towards him offering a small real smile.

"Yes, I was just going to do that. The river you found was not that far, am I correct?"

While scouting the boys reported a river and had brought back some plump salmon and water plants. I needed to get my mind clear and the sounds of water usually helped.

"Don't be out for long."

Daisuke winked and again leaned back against the tree with his soft gaze staring off into the horizon once more. How I wished to have that comfortable freedom to wander without a worry like I did not so long ago. Being a kitsune daydreaming was an everyday occurrence as it was just me, the Temple, and the wind that blew through the trees. Now it was like I had suddenly woken up, plunked out of the water like a silly fat salmon now face with being eaten at any moment. What was more was that if I managed to slip out of the grasp of my enemies they still had access to the whole pound.
And with that, I made my way into the forest in search of a body of water to attempt at a drowsy salmon-filled daydream.

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