🍪A Rainy Day (Benlie)

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(Twas board and thinking about Ben and Julie. I needed to one up my other Ben and Julie fic and this one should do it. It's a real fluffy one hahaha)

"What do you mean you're sorry? Those pictures don't look like you even tried to pull away!"

Julie would comment as she sat in the passenger seat, and refused to look at him. She needed a ride after tennis practice but after the stunt Ben pulled last night he was beginning to think he would be in the dog house for a while....

"It was just a kiss Jules. I didn't even initiate it in the first place."

Ben would say with a sigh as he turned his head to back out of a parking spot. He would however notice his girl crossing her arms over her chest and looking harder at the window.

"You don't even kiss me like that."

Julie would mutter, causing Ben to glance towards her with furrowed brows.

"Is that the problem? You want me to kiss you on the lips more. I can do that."

Julie flushed and shook her head.

"No Ben, the problem is your response afterwards to the kiss. The tv told me you messed up, not you.... you also still haven't even said sorry yet."

This would shut Ben up real quickly as he drove. After passing cars and many headlights for a while the rumble of clouds would greet them. Rain would begin to fall on his car creating a colder environment.

At a red light Ben would glance over to see Julie slightly shivering. He would bite his lip and reach back to get his jacket.


Julie would eye him then slowly nod her thanks as she covered up in it. The light would turn green and Ben would go. After a few more minutes Ben would sigh. He needed to say something.


He would say as he held out a hand for her to hold. Ben would almost sigh as her cold fingers met his. Green eyes would meet hazel as Ben glanced at Julie to make sure she was listening.

"Yes Ben?"

She would question as it took a little too long for him to continue for her liking. Ben would flounder with his words for a moment but slowly he would say.

"I'm sorry for not responding correctly..."

Ben would pause as he turned into Julie's neighborhood then continue. He would tighten his grip on her hand for support.

"And not telling you what happened. I... have been a jerk-"

A loud thunder crack would drown out his words but he would press on.

"I am sorry."

Ben would say as he pulled into her driveway and parked. Taking her hand again he would turn to her to see Julie looking back at him with a blank look.


He would ask, a bit saddened that he didn't do a good job. This would cause Julie to shake her head. She would then take his cheeks between her still cool hands.

"Thank you for that... I still don't like the idea of her kissing you but... thank you for apologizing."

Julie would say causing the hero's heart to warm despite the moody weather outside.

Ben would nuzzle her hands and kiss a finger causing her to blush.

"You deserve it Julie. My lips should only be for you."

He would say with a grin as he leaned forwards. Julie would stubbornly move her head away from him causing Ben to whine.

"No, I still don't feel like you deserve them."

Julie would say as she pulled back and tossed his jacket at his face.

"Oh come on! I know you want to kiss me! You even said that you were jealous!"

Ben would say as Julie opened the door and slammed the door shut as the rain started to pour. Not wanting to let her go so soon he would unbuckle and jump out as well.
Coming onto her side he would then hug her causing Julie to grumble.

"Ben! It's raining!!! Come on! I'm getting soaking wet!"

Julie would complain as she tried to shove her boyfriend off. This would only make Ben more determined to seal the deal with a kiss as he held her against him.

"One kiss?"

He would ask with a dorky smile. This would make Julie grunt as her shirt got damper as the seconds passed. After a few moments Julie would sigh and reply sourly.

"If I do, will you let me go inside?"

Julie asked as she blinked rain water out of her slanted eyes.

"I swear. Just one kiss."

Ben would say, causing Julie to sigh once again.


Then a small, delicate hand pulled down at the nape of his neck so that Julie's soft mouth could press against his own. Ben wasn't prepared for her to make the first move as a fresh pickle of goosebumps bloomed on the hero's arms.

To his utter delight, she would then start dragging her hands through his hair and brushing the rain from his face.

Ben would growl low when she tugged a bit. Ben found that he rather liked her lead as he would kiss Julie harder to hopefully return the favor.

This however would make the girl bite his lower lip for pushing it. Ben stiffened in confusion at the feeling but Julie was already tugging him more towards her making the boy blush.

Ben and Julie were like drowned rats at this point as they shivered in their soaked state. It would be sensible for both of them to pull apart and declare the match over, but after their argument, Ben really didn't want to think about anything else. He really liked Julie kissing him.

Ben slowly got his girlfriend to back into his car and as he continued kissing her, he then picked her up and set her on the hood.

"Ben nuh-"

Julie would say with a huff of confusion as she now sat on his car. Her arms still were around his neck but they were eye level now.

Ben would put his wet face into the crook of her neck and shiver for the hundredth time as her wet clothes brushed him.

What were they even doing? Kissing in the rain and shivering half to death. The hero would wrap his arms around her cold form as they seemed to mutually agree to stop. Gods he was so cold...

"Ben... I think I'm ready to go in now."

Julie would say after a moment. Her arms were wrapped around him and gently she played with his wet hair. Ben would hum and sigh as he stole her warmth.

"Yeah I think you should...."

Ben would say then laugh a bit as he though of what she just did. This would make Julie look down at her boyfriend in confusion as she held onto him.


She would ask, causing the hero to laugh more. Ben would then come out of her grasp to smile smugly at her. He would lean on his car and explain with a devilish grin.

"Since when have you ever bitten me like that?"

Julie would have had enough and pushed her hands into his face. She blushed scarlet as she slipped off his car and made her way up the driveway as the rain continued to pour. Ben would watch as she opened her door and slammed it.

"I'm so gonna get ignored later for saying that."

Ben would chuckle to himself as he shook his head from the water. Getting into his car he would honk the horn before driving off.

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