🍵Sweetie (oc)

14 1 7

(Saffron belongs to SN_supernova ♥️)


Mumbled Basil as he began to stir slowly from sleep. The feel of lips pecking his face and soft giggles were distant at first but slowly started drawing the golden-eyed male out of his sleep.

"You have to get up, you have work today. Your clients aren't going to be happy if you don't get their tools finished on time."

Saffron said gently and then kissed his forehead with a smile.


Basil mumbled and slowly started opening his eyes to be met with the ocean blue orbs of his mate. His face flushed slightly at the sight of her eyes making Saffron giggle and smile at him.

"Come on darling."

Saffron prodded and began to run her fingers through his hair and massaging his scalp. Basil nodded his head and sleepy sat up, but feeling tired still he leaned his head against Saffron's neck beginning to snuggle into her.

"You're so cute in the mornings."

Saffron said softly as she gently placed a hand on the back of his neck, caressing his hair.
The other took hold of his hand giving it a squeeze as she began to hum a small tune.

Basil signed, completely comfortable in the embrace of his wife who he loved. The comment, however, did not settle well for Basil gently nipped her making Saffron giggle and kiss him all over his face again.

When she settled down with the kisses Saffron began caressing Basil's hair and singing a little tune.
Basil with all the warmth his wife admitted started to drift off into sleep again.

But before Basil could take advantage of the cuddling he made himself slowly wake up again and kissed Saffron's neck.

"Okay Sweetie, let's actually get up."

Basil said as he picked his head up and eyed his wife through squinted eyes.

Saffron smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Now the male is up. Good boy."

Saffron said making Basil chuckle with her words.

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