🍵Sick Day With Cyrus (oc)

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(btw Saylah belongs to SN_supernova and we are currently writing a story with these children! : D I just wanted to write something cute and fluffy!)

Cyrus groaned loudly as he covered his face with his arm trying to block out the morning sun as it crept through the tent. He was hot, sweaty, and as sick as a dog.

He smelled the distance bitterness of vomit and cringed inwardly at the empty feeling of his stomach. He puked his guts up yesterday and after that fell asleep without checking if Saylah was coming to bed.

He could not feel her cuddle next to him as she did so he guessed she must have gone to hunt.

His bare chest rose and fell steadily as he kept the bile from rising again. He could feel it settle and he sighed. Cyrus' ear twitched as he smelled his mate enter. Her wild wind and unchecked raw power sizzled his senses as it always did.

He didn't feel like moving his arm from his face and grunted in greeting to Saylah, letting his magic meet her own.

He heard a chuckle as she sat next to him running her hand on his jaw.

"Your such a baby! I never knew you were so dramatic when you got sick!"

Saylah said as she sent a chilly wind to him making him sigh. He enjoyed her hand as she drew circles on his skin.

"You would be miserable too if you were sick with this, so be thankful I took the sickness on."

He grumbled as he finally moved his arm to rest on his stomach letting his eyes adjust to seeing his mate. Her lashes fluttered and she winked tracing his full bottom lip with her fingers.

"Mmm, I am thankful, I get to coddle my cute sick husband until he is better~"

Cyrus blushed when she purred and turned his head from her gaze a little embarrassed at the moment. Her hand soon trailed to his cheek and into his hair, drawing a purr from his chest.

"Now how shall I take care of my mate? A warm bath? Warm soup? Maybe some tea?"

Saylah grinned at him and he turned to her with a frown, his blush still remaining on his cheeks.

She smirked and kissed his forehead. She was now over him as she looked into his eyes, her gold-green eyes twinkling with mischief.

He swallowed thickly meeting her stair.

"Cuddle me you idiot."

He said firmly and Saylah blinked in surprise at the demand.


Cyrus was on her instantly, quickly grabbing her and twisted so he was laying on top of the small female.

She squeaked and covered her face as he buried his face into her chest, wrapping his arm around her middle and settled down. He sighed softly as he was now content closing his eyes he breathed in her wild sent.

He heard a grunt as she soon started to play with his hair making him purr louder.

"If you get me sick I will kill you."

Saylah said with a snarl that had Cyrus chuckling.


Cyrus ended up getting better and Saylah got sick.
She demanded cuddles too.

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