🍵Phantom Pains (oc)

31 1 14

Cyrus woke up in the middle of the night wiping the sweat from his brow as if it was his younger brothers blood. Three brothers. The eldest a kin killer and the youngest dead. The middle broken and left red.

He looked to see his mate Saylah sleeping peacefully under the warmed sheets. His gut filled with bile as he shook his head, slipping out of the sheets needing to feel the cold floor underneath his feet. Three brothers. The eldest a kin killer and the youngest dead. The middle broken and left red.

Cyrus stood and walked to the bathroom, his hand bracing the scarred tissue of the remainder of his arm. The dull phantom pain throbbing in a slow rippling. Three brothers. The eldest a kin killer and the youngest dead. The middle broken and left red.

The blonde male stopped as he looked at his reflection. The scars on him were real. The dream was real. Everything in his nightmares was real!

Cyrus held his breath and gently leaned his forehead against the glass peering into his eyes. The brown of them was dull and almost black.

He blinked and slowly the male began to break. The throbbing in his arm rang in his ears as tears began to slide down his cheeks. The warmth of it felt like blood sliding on him and it broke him more.

There were three things he would never tell his mate. Could never tell her.

One. He still dreamed about the last time he saw his brothers. Fighting and ripping into each other. Then him getting into the middle. It seemed because he was the middle brother it was his duty to keep them at peace. But the cost was his soul.

Two. He could still feel the phantom pain in his arm. He slid down onto his knees still clutching his arm. His tears of fear and pain fell onto the cold floor in a silent rain. It took all of himself to breathe properly as his stump of an arm burned his senses.

Three. He wished he would have died.

And slowly the blonde male got up off the floor walking back to lay down. Drained and his heartbroken he slipped under the covers and looked at his mate.

She was breathing softly and slowly Cyrus scooted closer needing to feel her next to him. Saylah seemed to smile a bit as he cuddled into her, letting his head burry into her neck.

Her arms wrapped around his neck drawing a sigh from him.

Cyrus would never tell her these things. Never let her see how broken he really was. He needed to deal with it on his own and if having these three things to worry about he would be fine.

And so the mated pair slept in the warm filled room.

(YEAH depression hits my son : D btw Saylah does not belong to me but by SN_supernova ! We are currently making a story together with these children so yay!)

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