🍪Tatsumi and Yumeko (again)

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(I'm such a loser for this pairing lmbo)

Title: He loves her everything

Tatsumi pov

"Just relax."

Yumeko chuckled as she smoothed her thumbs against my burning cheeks. I swallowed thickly and looked away from the fox girl.

"I. Am. Relaxed."

I muttered out through clenched teeth. I feel another chuckle reverberate from her chest into mine making the situation all too close.

"Is my samuria warrior shy?"

Inquired the sly little Kitsune as she tilted her head causing her ears to shift along with the movement. My face grows steadily hotter as I eye her with a tilt of my head.

Her yellow eyes were always the first to take my attention. How round and excited they could get as they looked at the world they traveled on. Eager to bask in new surroundings and see new faces. How soft a look from hers could turn any man into butter.

Theses butter-yellow eyes often found themselves looking at me for some reason I could not fathom. But even when Yumeko thinks I don't notice, oh how wrong she is.

Not too long ago actually, I noticed her ogling my back as I walked ahead with Okami twords our destination.
My neck had felt like the sun and my embarrassment seemed to induce the brute of a man that was Okami to start laughing at my heated face.

In my embarrassment I had wanted to swivel around and call her out but Yumiko had found the old man and shrine woman's words too be to important for him. She later grinned cheeky at him, her yellow eyes flashing. And so I could not stop thinking about her eyes.

The second thing I took in was her delicate hands. My eyes slid from the left and right as I noticed her hands cradling my face. So soft and gentle it almost made me want to jump out of my skin. Closing my eyes I was able to gain more confidence as her hands traced my cheeks.

To recount, the first time she had touched me was to smear green ointment into a nasty cut on my back. So much care and shallow work.
I had never, ever been handled in such a way that for moments afterwords, left me in utter confusion.
What was this creature that had been so gentle and why hadn't he found her so many years before now?

Fear had coated my sense of touch and told me that hands would prod, slice, and slap. But here I was, with my face being held and gently traced with her thumbs.

With her guidance I too have learned the way of her gentle hands. My own often found themselves holding hers and slowly I would smooth the pad of my thumb over the back of her hand.

Now I was fully looking at Yumiko and the third and most crushing and adoring thing of all came to focus. Her lips. No, no, I don't meant that by wanting to capture them in a sweet crash of my own, but by what came out of them.

Some of the most obscured nonsense has left those parted petals and way too often does it catch and pin my attention onto her. Will it words of wisdom, questions galore, or silly little Kitsune things he did not know.

One like myself has never heard such a loose mouth in all my life. There was no place for a loose spirit like herself in my life. If Yumiko had grown up with me in the Shadow Clan she would have been stricken down long ago.

One of the most surprising things to ever come out of her lips was the words, 'I love you'. My mind struggled still to understand the word love, but every time she said those words I could barely hold myself together.

I was not worthy of her pretty eyes lingering on me. I did not deserve those hands that caressed my heart lovingly. Nor did I think her lips were ever supposed to praise and adore me so.

But now with Yumiko here with all of her quirks I couldn't stop himself from leaning in and sealing a kiss over her lips.

At the end of the day I loved her everything.

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