🍪Ben and Julie

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(It was about time 😤 I adore them! Anyways this is an angst/fluff fic. Angsty in the beginning then fluff :> just go and read it and tell me what you think xD)

Ben's back throbbed painfully as he leaned deeper into a rough, orange rock, desperately trying to shrink and disappear. Pulse pumped wildly, the hero was losing consciousness. Black and white lights dotted his vision while adrenaline made his limbs shake.

Ben felt a wave of apprehension as his vision became dark again but the steady feel of Julie's shoulder against his side brought him back to alertness. Calm down. Breath. Calm down.

"Just take a deep breath, Ben. It's okay..."

Ben sucked in a deep, and with an almost choked breath of air, heaving out carbon dioxide. Julie's slanted eyes peered at Ben with worry so she took Ben's hand and squeezed it. Ship seemed to feel like this was his cue to wiggled onto Ben's lap to also reassure the hero.

"Good boy Ship."

Julie said with a small smile. The upgrade spawn responded with his name, earning him a pat on the head from a disoriented Ben Tennyson. Ben and Julie shared a look and he smiled crookedly.

"Don't be stupid like that again-"

Julie was just about to lecture Ben when a shriek of an angered DNAlien ruined the small moment of security.

"Idiots... Complete idiots!"

The sounds of metal groaning and then being thrown makes Julie freeze. Ben notices this and brings their still intertwined hands against his rapidly rising chest. More frighted shrieks fill the air as more metal is thrown making Ben and Julie share a tentative glance. What would happen now? Would they find the small group huddled not too far?

Instead of the angered DNAlien, a new voice rose up. The quiver in its voice was evident in the way it talked.

"If-if the boy is hurt let him be... L-let's just get out of here... there might be more P-Plumbers coming and our operations are too close..."

In the hero's state, the DNAliens would easily be able to dispose of him if they looked. Ben was winded and his leg pulsed. Every time he moved his ankle it rolled uncomfortably and burned hot underneath his sneaker.

"Everyone get in the truck... or die!"

The wrath and malice of the sentence had DNAliens grumbling together. Hurried footsteps, doors clicking open and slamming shut was all the evidence the two teens needed to understand that they were safe.

Soon the purrs of a truck coming to life followed and the glow of light was seen as It rolled over the terrain lazily. Ben and Julie wondered silently as the busted truck drove past to get on the highway, leaving two teens to wonder what they were to do. They did not speak for a couple of moments but the hard ground began to make them ache the longer they huddled close.

"I think we're safe now."

Whispered Julie. They still stayed still for a moment longer but soon the girl moved away from Ben, taking her hand with her. Ben nodded and sighed louder as he shifted into a more comfortable position. The movement made him groan and he clutched his chest as he was still in distress.

"I-I think... my ankle... I-"

Talking made him see stars. Julie patted his shoulder, motioning for him to be still. Ship seemed to get the memo and hopped off of Ben and began to whimper slightly while he observed Julie taking care of the hero.

"Okay, okay I'll take a look at it. Ben, you need to breathe. Take even, deep breaths. Here, you can lay down and use my backpack as a pillow."

Shifting Julie took off her baby blue bag and placed it behind his head. Ben nodded and settled down. This opened up his airway making the effort to take in the air easier.

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