The Last Three Sins | Part One

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A/N: Y'all... you have to realize I can see your age if you read this in my statistics. It says 18+ for a fucking reason. I'm sorry to be harsh about this but if you are under the age of 18, do not read this, do not interact with this and just click away. I'm aware there's more fluff chapters here than smut, but even then this is an adult character and I am writing reader as an ADULT. I repeat, if you are under the age of 18 and a MINOR, DO NOT INTERACT OR READ! Thank you. 

You didn't even play D&D. You liked the storylines and excitement but never played. Long story short, you had no reason to attend the Hellfire meetings. So why did you? How did you keep ending up here?

You were friends with Robin in school, who miraculously became friends with Steve Harrington. Steve came as a package deal with Nancy Wheeler and a bunch of children. So obviously, you became friends with Steve Harrington, Nancy Wheeler and a bunch of children, as you and Robin were also a package deal.

You didn't know how Eddie came into the picture. You didn't like Eddie. Not for the reasons the people around town murmured, but why, you couldn't put your finger on it. He irked you, got under your skin.

So why, for the love of God, did you keep attending this gathering of geeks?

At first, you convinced yourself it was because Dustin kept asking for a ride, and who could say no to Dustin Henderson? Not you. Definitely not you. But if that were the reason, why did you stay?

Somewhere deep down, you knew. Eddie might annoy you, but the way he told stories and took control of the game was unprecedented. Goosebumps travelled down your arms as he spoke about mythical creatures and the means to defeat them. He was nothing if not engaging.

Eddie told stories with his entire body and had a habit of talking with his hands in general. And that, my friends, is how you'd ended up in this predicament.

His hands.

The goosebumps from your arms travelled from the tips of your fingers, all the way down to your toes. The uneasy feeling seemed to have found its home in your bones. Whenever Eddie was around, you were on edge.

He knew just how to rile you up. If you didn't know any better, you'd think he knew. You might as well turn yourself into a piece of silver because that man had you wrapped around his fingers just like one of his many, many rings. Why'd he have to wear so many rings?

As he gave the one on his pointer finger a quick twist, you knew he'd caught you looking. You turned your head to watch Dustin and then your watch, feigning annoyance at how long the session took.

Eddie diverted his eyes with a small smile. "Ah, impatience, the eighth deadly sin if you were to ask me, sweetheart." With a quick wink, he dismissed your suggestion to hurry.

"It seems you know all too well about deadly sins, Mr Pride." You scoffed.

Eddie's eyes looked up through his bangs, a move which never failed to make you shiver. "Is that Wrath or Envy I sense in you?" his eyebrows raised in await of your answer.

You huffed and crossed your legs. Eddie had clearly won the argument. You motioned for the game to continue, as now you were truly getting impatient.

As the game continued, you couldn't help but let your mind and gaze wander back to the Dungeon Master's marvellous hands. The things you'd do...

Get your mind out of the gutter. There are children present.

You had it and had it bad for a certain Edward Munson. How was this fair?

The game wrapped for the night. You grabbed your jacket from the back of your chair and went to find Dustin. You were going to tell him you were no longer going to be his driver for Hellfire. Just as you spotted Dustin in the hallway and were about to walk out of the now-vacant theatre club classroom, a hand gently grabbed your wrist.

"Henderson, Jeff'll drive you home. I'm hogging this sinner."

Jeff and Dustin gaped at you. You were going to protest, but Eddie's hand on your wrist made you short-circuit.

You watched as the rest of Hellfire cleared the school, leaving only you and a very persistent Eddie behind. He pulled you back into the classroom and gently positioned you against the table.

"What do you want, Munson?"

"There's about four sins we haven't gone over. Care for a lesson?" His eyes met yours with a blatant challenge behind them.

"No thanks, can't say I'm in the mood to learn right now."

"Oh c'mon. We're in the right location! Or is that Sloth I detect? Too lazy? Or too scared of what you might learn?" His hand trailed a ghostly path up your arm, goosebumps raising with the touch of his fingers. As he brushed a strand of hair aside, he leaned forward.

"I think you might've already experienced the last three sins tonight, darling." It was just a whisper. His breath scorched your skin. You felt the ever-present uneasy feeling leave your bones and enter your stomach. Did you really feel uneasy? Or had you misidentified it all along?

"Can you tell me them? The last three sins?" You shook your head 'no', begging, pleading, praying for this to be over. You didn't know how much control you had left in you before you'd spontaneously combust.

"No? See... I think you do need my lesson after all. It's easy, really." Eddie switched to your other ear as he whispered.

"First, there's Gluttony. A hunger so great you'll waste just to overindulge."

He grinned as he held one finger up, knowing you'd be following his every move. You knew it wasn't just his hands that enthralled you. It was him.

"Then, there's Greed. You know what that means, don't you? To be greedy?" You nodded hastily. He chuckled at your response. So responsive. So greedy.

"Can you tell me the seventh sin?" The question was loaded. He knew you knew the answer. You refused to give in. You knew you were a goner, however, when he once more looked up at you through his bangs, gently tracing his pointer finger over your collarbone before ever so softly wrapping a hand around your neck.

"Lust. That is the last sin, and you're a sinner, aren't you, baby?" Your mouth was dry as Eddie stroked his thumb over your vein, feeling your racing heart.

"That's what I thought. Maybe you're a fit for Hellfire after all." The whisper ruined you as you gasped quietly. Just as you were expecting Eddie to do something, anything, he stepped away, hand leaving the spot where it seemed destined to be.

"Impatience, the eighth sin!" He chuckled as he turned to stride out the door. You were left standing, leaning against the table to support your weakened knees.

"See you next week, sinner."

He knew you'd be back. 

Eddie Munson x Reader | 𝗢𝗻𝗲𝗦𝗵𝗼𝘁𝘀 𝟭𝟴+Where stories live. Discover now