The Last Three Sins | Part Two

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A/N: Y'all... you have to realize I can see your age if you read this in my statistics. It says 18+ for a fucking reason. I'm sorry to be harsh about this but if you are under the age of 18, do not read this, do not interact with this and just click away. I'm aware there's more fluff chapters here than smut, but even then this is an adult character and I am writing reader as an ADULT. I repeat, if you are under the age of 18 and a MINOR, DO NOT INTERACT OR READ! Thank you.

The days were slowly getting longer, the sunshine lingering on your skin with a warmth you'd missed since last summer. As you enjoyed the sunlight with your eyes closed, Robin startled you. "Okay, we were out of lemonade, so I brought some water and soda because I didn't know what you wanted. I also brought some snacks, but- hey, are you even listening?"

Your mind had been a jumbled mess since the... situation with Eddie. You had let your eyes wander to the metalhead one too many times in class. What once had been a mere fascination was slowly turning into infatuation. Your fingers absentmindedly made their way up to your neck.

"Honestly, what has gotten into you? You've been off all week, well, more than usual. I'm starting to wonder if I need to get Steve involved to talk some sense into you because you are OBVIOUSLY. NOT. LISTENING." A bag of chips hit your head.

"I'm fine, Robin. Just got a lot on my mind." You sighed as you sank your sunglasses back down on your face. Maybe you should've told her, but she'd make a big deal about it. Or even worse, she'd make fun of you. You loved Robin but every now and then, she really knew how to get under your skin.

"Okay, freaky monster Upside Down, a lot? Or I'm in love with Eddie Munson, a lot? Because those are two very different problems that require two very different solutions. Unless you want to get freaky with Vecna to see if that'll kill him, then the solutions are actually quite similar. Hey, do you think he'd even have the abil- HEY!" Robin gasped as you threw the same bag of chips at her face that she'd thrown at yours.

"What the hell are you insinuating?" You were absolutely not in love with Eddie. He was just... pretty. And funny. And sweet. Maybe a little crush, sure.

"You've looked at him like he was the second coming of Christ for the last few weeks now. Are you seriously still under the impression you hate him?" You hadn't realized you'd been that obvious. Besides, you didn't want to date him, did you? You just liked the physical bonus that would come with it.

"Dustin told me, you know. Well, he told Steve and Steve told me, but that's basically the same as Dustin telling me. That you stayed behind after Hellfire last week, alone with Eddie." Robin raised her eyebrows in question.

"Nothing happened! He just wanted to have a little... talk."

"So you're saying if he'd wanted something else, something would've happened?"

"Well, if he did, he wouldn't have left me hanging the way he did," You grumbled as you turned away to pluck at the grass. There was no use in hiding your true feelings from Robin. The girl could read you like you were her favourite magazine.

Robin clapped as she let out a laugh. "Oh, this is amazing. What happened?"

"Let's just say he noticed me watching and decided to give me a closer look and feel. But he didn't kiss me or do anything of note whatsoever, so don't get your panties twisted."

A comfortable silence surrounded you as you both took a sip of your sodas. You turned back to look at Robin, unable to gauge her reaction without seeing. She picked at the grass as a tiny smirk made its way onto her face.

"It's his hands, right?"

"Jesus, Robin. I told you that in confidence!" You smacked her as she squealed. You'd indulged about your.. thing for hands one drunken night. It was the same night Robin had come out to you, however, so you'd kind of assumed she'd overlooked your silly confession.

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