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A/N: Y'all... you have to realize I can see your age if you read this in my statistics. It says 18+ for a fucking reason. I'm sorry to be harsh about this but if you are under the age of 18, do not read this, do not interact with this and just click away. I'm aware there's more fluff chapters here than smut, but even then this is an adult character and I am writing reader as an ADULT. I repeat, if you are under the age of 18 and a MINOR, DO NOT INTERACT OR READ! Thank you.

The girls at Hawkins High were brutal. I mean, many people were, but the girls... The guys would yell about something stupid in your face, which would be annoying but tolerable. At least you knew what you were getting into. The girls would gossip and spread rumours behind your back, even if you assumed you were somewhat friendly with them.

Which is why it didn't come as a surprise when you overheard some talking casually about you while you were sitting in a stall at the beginning of lunch break.

"You heard she's dating Munson now? I mean, how far can you fall off? First, she drags Stevie with her to the depths of like, total uncoolness. Now she's done with him and she dates that lowlife? How can you trade Steve Harrington for Eddie Munson?" You heard the conversation being held with some noticeable lipgloss breaks.

"Yeah, I used to think she was alright. Not worth Steve's attention, but whatever. She's pulling a total Wheeler, honestly. Dating Steve only to dump him for some fucking freak? Pathetic."

The girls giggled as they finished up their womanly business. You couldn't help but quickly follow them. As soon as you heard the door close, you sprinted out of the stall, washed your hands and didn't bother drying them. You pushed the door open with your wrists. You tried to look as inconspicuous as possible when striding to the cafeteria.

You almost fell on your ass when you bumped into Eddie, hadn't he grabbed your wrists to steady you. "You alright? Why're you in such a- OW!" You slapped him a few times to shut him up.

"Cheer squad was talking about us. Wanna know if they have something funny to say in case I can mess with them, c'mon." You dragged him into the cafeteria and sat as close to the gossiping group as you could without drawing suspicion. You pulled Eddie down to sit next to you.

"Pretend to be talking to me or something." You quickly murmured in Eddie's ear, before averting your attention back to the previous conversation.

"God, speak of the devil. You know I used to be friends with her when we were younger? This is what joining a cult does to you."

Eddie jokingly fed you a couple of grapes, now also invested in the gossip.

"I know his name was cleared and he's some kind of hero now, but I can't help but feel a bit scared when he's around, you know?" The other girls agreed. You thanked the lord lunch had only just started. Why did you find this so entertaining?

"Yeah, I totally get what you mean. I mean, allegedly, he came back from the dead. That's so freaky!" The girls squealed as they thought about it.

"Hear that? You're a zombie," you laughed as you traded Eddie your juice for his apple, the juice being his favourite part of high school lunch. The giggles died down and silence overtook the group of girls for a second as they were thinking.

"You gotta give it to him, though. Eddie's pretty hot for a dead guy." Your eyebrows would've shot off your face if it were a possibility, nearly choking in the bite of apple you'd just taken.

"What the hell, Jess!" The girl in question just shrugged. "Come on, guys. You can't tell me you haven't thought about it!"

"About what?" The other girls urged Jess to continue. "Seriously? You can criticise her all you want, but I just know she's getting fucked so good. Honestly, that holier-than-thou basketball team could never!"

Your wide eyes met Eddie's as you were turning red. He had the biggest grin you'd ever seen. Some of the girls appeared to have noticed you must've overheard, but not Jess.

"I mean, don't they tell you at church one way Satan will pull you to the dark side is through temptation? That man is the spawn of Satan himself! Surely it must be heavenly!"

Eddie's hand slowly crept up your thigh as the conversation continued. The other girls gaped at Eddie as he made eye contact with every single one of them that was paying attention, leaning closer and closer to your neck as he did so. Why none of them urged Jess to stop talking immediately, was besides you. But part of you knew they were curious, too. They could try and hide, but you noticed a couple of legs press together at Eddie's actions.

"Is it, babe? Is it heavenly?" Eddie whispered, loud enough for the closest girls to overhear. Jess was still going on about how terrible Jimmy had been in bed, but had lost all the attention of the group.

The girls turned red at your expression. Eddie had turned you to putty in his hands with just the ghost of his hand and a whisper. You knew Eddie was trying his best to scandalize them as much as possible, so you decided to play along. How much of it would be acting, anyways?

"Yes, Eddie, please." You turned to meet the gaze of Amber, lead cheerleader and total priss. Or so you'd thought. "So good," you whispered, attention now back to Eddie.

You were glad it was only the seniors currently on lunch break. After everything that went down, not many of them were left, anyways. The cafeteria was pretty much dead. You wouldn't have let Eddie continue, otherwise.

His hand met the place you needed it most. You felt depraved, doing this in front of the cheer team. It served them right, though. Maybe they'd stop gossiping for once, and reflect on their own depravity first. You whimpered as Eddie's palm pressed against your clothed clit. His mouth was leaving a trail of love bites down your neck, always having eye contact with at least one cheerleader.

He'd caught Jess' attention now, too. She'd stop talking mid-sentence to join the rest of the team in their gawking. They were still pretending to not notice, trying to eat their food and continue talking as if nothing was happening. But they were struggling. Every breath from your mouth, every kiss from Eddie, it made them squirm.

"Enjoying the show, ladies?" Eddie finally spoke up with a smug face and a wink. Several girls sputtered to averse their gaze, pretending to not have been watching. To not have been affected by his actions.

Eddie pushed himself up as if nothing had happened. "Time for class, babe." You wrapped your arm around his waist as he gave a quick pat on your butt and helped you steady your weakened knees. It was only now the girls noticed the shrill ring of the bell. With one last wink to the cheer team, you were off.

"See, I told you!"

Eddie Munson was pretty hot for a dead guy. 

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