Make-Up Sex (18+)

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A/N: Y'all... you have to realize I can see your age if you read this in my statistics. It says 18+ for a fucking reason. I'm sorry to be harsh about this but if you are under the age of 18, do not read this, do not interact with this and just click away. I'm aware there's more fluff chapters here than smut, but even then this is an adult character and I am writing reader as an ADULT. I repeat, if you are under the age of 18 and a MINOR, DO NOT INTERACT OR READ! Thank you.

"Sit still!" You groaned as Eddie squirmed for the umpteenth time. He was sitting on the edge of his bed, bouncing one of his legs up and down. Eddie had hesitated to ask you to do his make-up, even when he knew you wouldn't judge him. He didn't understand why he'd been so apprehensive since he already wore nail polish and had long hair. It wasn't like the people of Hawkins would be able to see the difference, already at his worst in their eyes. Yet still, he was nervous. It was one of the many requests he'd done in recent times to have you help him improve his look.

Your own nerves made your hands shake when applying the shadow to his eyelid. You did your best to steady them. When Eddie had turned to you after he blew out some smoke and asked if you'd do his make-up, you'd immediately beamed at him and told him to wait while you got the few items you kept in your bag. It was mainly a couple of pencils and shadows, but it would do. You hadn't considered the proximity, which was your own mistake because of course, you'd have to get close to his face. Duh. You were tense for a wildly different reason than Eddie was. So here you were, heart beating faster than it should've, one hand holding Eddie's face still while the other applied charcoal eyeshadow with practised precision. You were lucky his eyes were closed. The glances you stole at his bare chest and dangerously low sweatpants would not have been able to go unnoticed if they weren't. This might've been a casual thing to Eddie, but the intimacy intoxicated you.

When you eventually got to the eyeliner, you told him to open his eyes and look up. Heat raged through your body at the look he gave you. Maybe it wasn't supposed to be as erotic as you perceived it, but it didn't matter. Your knees weakened, your hands stilled, and you put one of them on his shoulder to steady yourself. How you even managed to speak was the 8th wonder of the world. "No, uh, look up, don't look at me." You giggled as you tilted his chin up further. He chucked and complied.

You quickly stretched, your back starting to hurt from standing over him. You bent back down to work on his eyes, though you jerked when two hands were placed on your hips. "Sit. Might be easier on your back." It was a nonchalant remark, his eyes still looking up. When you didn't reply, his gaze fell back on you. "Isn't your back hurting?" He asked genuinely. There was no proof he was implying anything besides you sitting on his lap platonically. You paused for a second but nodded.

"Yeah, no, it is. Okay. Sit back." You put a hand flat against his bare chest and gave him a little push.

You quickly noticed you'd have to kneel over his thighs in an all too suggestive position to even be able to sit on his lap facing him. You placed both your knees beside his thighs and gently sat on them. He was bent backwards slightly, leaning both his hands on the bed in support. His eyes turned back to the ceiling, and that was that. You swallowed before uncapping the pencil and slowly leaning into his face and pulling his eyelid down so you could reach his waterline. You tried to contain the desire to run your hands over his chest and abdomen.

Eddie, in turn, had to contain himself not to look down, whatever it took. Your chest was almost directly in his face now. He would just have to bend his neck downwards, and he'd be buried between your tits. You were just friends. Eddie was very aware. With every new request or move, he was sure he'd gone too far. He did his best to make it all look casual and platonic. You had no idea what you were doing to him. You hadn't even questioned it when he took off his shirt before you started applying the make-up. Maybe he'd also pulled down his joggers a bit further than necessary. It wasn't like you could tell it was intentional.

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