Charmed (Wiccan!Reader)

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A/N: Y'all... you have to realize I can see your age if you read this in my statistics. It says 18+ for a fucking reason. I'm sorry to be harsh about this but if you are under the age of 18, do not read this, do not interact with this and just click away. I'm aware there's more fluff chapters here than smut, but even then this is an adult character and I am writing reader as an ADULT. I repeat, if you are under the age of 18 and a MINOR, DO NOT INTERACT OR READ! Thank you.

Eddie didn't get it at first. Here he was, being accused of leading a satanic cult while you were being left alone. Wasn't that what Wicca was, anyway? Some satanic blood magic shit? To be fair, you weren't as outspoken about your practises as Eddie was. He'd only met you this year after everything had died down. You'd visited Max in the hospital. Incidentally, her room was right next to his.

When Dustin and Steve had managed to pull his body out of the Upside Down, they immediately took him to the hospital. He was in critical condition. A lot of nurses had refused to tend to him, understandably so. He'd almost forgotten he was wanted for murder. Luckily, Max had come to and they'd made up a story about what happened to her and how she was able to survive, unlike Chrissy and the other victims. They'd crafted an alibi for Eddie. He'd gone running, terrified of meeting the same fate as the blonde cheerleader. It wasn't too far from the truth, really. He had run. But not from those goddamn bats. Not that time.

He became friendly with Max, both unable to do a whole lot but talk. It was especially helpful when neither of them wanted to admit they were lonely outside of visiting hours. He taught her the basics of D&D and even helped her design her character. They'd made a deal that Max was the newest member of Hellfire, even if they were unsure if Hellfire still existed. She'd get a shirt, anyways.

When Max's cousin came over, Eddie stuck to his room. You waved at him through the window in his door, and he'd shyly wave back. He was captivated by you. The way you carried yourself was unique, unseen in Hawkins. He couldn't put his finger on what was so different. There was a glint of mischief? No, mischief wasn't the right word. Sagacious? Yes, that was better. You looked like you knew something other people had yet to discover. It intrigued him.

Eddie had asked Max about you a few times. She thought you were odd, in a good way. At one point, Max told him you'd done a tarot reading for her. It was then Eddie realized what it was about you that intrigued him. Spirituality and knowledge. The tarot reading hadn't mentioned Eddie explicitly, but Max had seemed convinced it was definitely about him. A new important figure recently entered her life, and they were going to be a prominent part of her life. Eddie felt touched she immediately associated the person in question with him.

And a prominent figure he became. When Max eventually introduced you, he was mesmerized. You'd handed him a pink rock and told him to keep it under his pillow or on his nightstand. You'd also given him a tiny jar filled with some crushed-up leaves, herbs and pebbles. It was sealed with red candle wax. You'd told him it was to encourage healing. Max had a matching one under her pillow. He didn't understand, but he appreciated the sentiment. He now slept with a rock and jar under his pillow, apparently. And that's how you paraded into Eddie's life. He was genuinely interested in your practices. You didn't think he was a freak. A good start, to say the least.

When he'd first asked you on a date, you let out an annoyed but relieved sigh. "Finally, I thought you'd never ask." You'd answered. When he came to your house to pick you up, he was surprised by your altar. He reached down to grab some things and get a better look. His hands were smacked by your own. You'd instantly apologized and explained why he couldn't touch anything on the dresser. He listened intently and apologized he hadn't asked. The date had been wonderful. Eddie and you had started dating immediately, knowing that this just... worked. It made total sense.

You loved the first time you visited Eddie and Wayne's new trailer. The old one had been swallowed by the earth after everything that had gone down. Eddie hadn't told you the truth about what happened until quite sometime later. You'd plopped down on the mattress and let your head rest on the pillow. You'd frowned when you felt something poke the back of your head. Reaching under the pillow, your hand recognized the shape of the spell jar and rose quartz you'd given him months ago. You pulled them from under your head and giggled as you examined them. Eddie smiled, "What's so funny?"

You explained with which purpose you'd gifted him the rose quartz. "I see, you've trapped me with a love spell! You witch! Now I'm gonna be Charmed for the next hour!" He tickled your sides as he attacked you with kisses. "Only the next hour? I'd hoped it would've lasted a bit longer." You laughed. Eddie put a hand on his chin, pretending to think. "I could find a Bard to touch me with Greater Restoration. That should break the spell." He dropped down next to you and wrapped his arms around your waist. "I love it when you talk D&D to me." You smiled. "Hmm... D20, Crit, Total Party Kill, should I go on?" He snuggled against your side as he joked. "Oh, please do."

The next time you visited the trailer, you'd handed him a small pull bag filled with various stones and crystals. You'd explained the purpose of every single one, Eddie listening intently. He might not understand Wicca and still sometimes think of it as spooky voodoo witch sorcery (his words, not yours), but he tried, and that's what mattered. He brought you interesting-looking pebbles while you were out, asking if they had any significance. He cleansed his trailer with you, not entirely sure what the purpose of the sage was, but whatever. He trusted your intentions because he trusted you.

If being with you meant his home smelt nice at all times and keeping some shiny rocks around, he was chill with that. If it meant one of your activities as a couple was weekly tarot readings, hell, he'd become clairvoyant. If it meant you'd treat his gnarly scars to the best of your ability, he was down. He might not understand Wicca now, but he understood you. And you, he'd like to keep around for a while.

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