Old Leather (Fluff)

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A/N: Y'all... you have to realize I can see your age if you read this in my statistics. It says 18+ for a fucking reason. I'm sorry to be harsh about this but if you are under the age of 18, do not read this, do not interact with this and just click away. I'm aware there's more fluff chapters here than smut, but even then this is an adult character and I am writing reader as an ADULT. I repeat, if you are under the age of 18 and a MINOR, DO NOT INTERACT OR READ! Thank you.

Eddie liked watching you. Not in a creepy way. He just admired you. In public, you were reserved, but every now and then he'd catch a glimpse of you the way he liked you best. Oblivious, lost in the sensation of music with the light of late summer afternoons casting your skin in the most beautiful glow.

There were a lot of differences between Eddie and you. He was like a hurricane, unpredictable and wild. You were like a serene summer evening, warm and comforting.

While Eddie thrived on finding all the newest releases and acts, you stuck to your favourite albums and bands. He would flip through music magazines he'd nicked from the corner store while you would hum your favourite 9-year-old Fleetwood Mac song to yourself.

Like Eddie admired you, you did him. You marvelled at his chaos. He brought an exciting element to your life. You loved how passionate he was about music, even if it wasn't your favourite genre. It didn't have to be. Not if it was his favourite.

Your chest almost hurt with the happiness it felt for him. Your cheeks felt permanently strained when he was around. How was it he enjoyed music with such dark undertones, yet seemed to be the embodiment of sunshine?

Eddie admired your caring nature. It was almost like you were born with other people in mind. People who would need you in their lives. Making sure Eddie would eat. Checking in on Max when her mom worked late again, even though she insisted she was fine. Inviting her over to eat dinner with you and Eddie, and sneaking satisfied glances between Max and him as they passionately discussed different artists and the latest hits.

You had late-night talks with Steve, who was convinced he didn't need them. You understood he needed to vent occasionally, too. You drove Robin home when really, she could've walked. She didn't live far, after all.

You demanded Will sit next to you on movie nights, no particular reason. He put on a brave face, but you knew he'd need a place to discreetly hide when the movie got too scary. And you just suddenly really felt the need to cuddle.

You helped Joyce carry in the groceries while the kids piled into the basement, making small talk about her day. Asked about Jonathan and college, listened to her worries now he no longer lived at home.

Eddie didn't know how you did it. He liked helping people. He enjoyed being needed, being liked. But to you, it looked like it wasn't even an option not to help. Not to care for others before yourself.

Eddie was reckless. Whenever he observed you, he would promise himself he'd do better. But you didn't want him to change. While you helped, Eddie entertained.

Eddie told stories, played games and made music. He was so incredibly creative and talented. You admired the way he dressed and chose to express himself.

You liked him best when he was practising guitar. A peaceful aura of concentration would surround him, no matter how deafening the music.

You didn't dislike metal. It was Eddie's favourite, and you could understand why. It suited him as your music suited you. His fingers would speed down the neck of his guitar at a speed you didn't know humans could master.

When a new single or album would come out, he'd all but lock himself in his room. He wanted to learn as soon as possible. He'd wind his tapes back and listen over and over and over in hopes of discerning the patterns and copying them on his own guitar.

You respected his dedication, whether it was for music or his campaigns. It bled through to his personal life. You'd never seen anybody love like Eddie Munson.

Play-fighting with Dustin before engulfing him in the biggest hug. Flirting with Steve, who just needed a confidence boost every now and then. Trying his utter best to cook for Wayne when he had yet another late shift. Sure, it would be slightly burned, but he tried.

Holding you when you cried. Kissing you all over, just for bringing him his favourite drink. Watching you lovingly when he thought you wouldn't notice. Writing you song after unfinished song whenever inspiration struck, which was often. Implementing you into every campaign as a side character, even when you didn't play.

You could never have imagined that the scent of old leather and steel chains was what would bring you comfort. That the sounds of screeching guitars and heavy drums would be the sounds of love. But they were. Because they were the scent and sound of Eddie Munson. And Eddie Munson was love and sunshine embodied in a leather-clad metalhead. 

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