Marinara Sauce (Fluff)

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A/N: Y'all... you have to realize I can see your age if you read this in my statistics. It says 18+ for a fucking reason. I'm sorry to be harsh about this but if you are under the age of 18, do not read this, do not interact with this and just click away. I'm aware there's more fluff chapters here than smut, but even then this is an adult character and I am writing reader as an ADULT. I repeat, if you are under the age of 18 and a MINOR, DO NOT INTERACT OR READ! Thank you.

Eddie's day couldn't get any worse, honestly. He flunked another math test, had to cancel Hellfire because he hadn't been able to prepare due to studying for said math test, and now his van wouldn't start.

"Great, just great." He muttered to himself as he hit the steering wheel. He ran his ring-clad fingers over his face a few times before finally breaking down. How was he ever going to get out of Hawkins when he couldn't even finish high school?

He wasn't stupid. He understood the material when he put in the effort. He just had a hard time studying and paying attention when there were much more fun things he could be thinking about, like a new campaign.

He did great in school up until junior year. He could've finished middle school with his eyes closed and hands tied behind his back, so why was it he couldn't anymore?

Ever since his accident (read: attack by demon bats) 7 months ago, Wayne had been putting in more hours to support his nephew's recovery. Eddie had told him often he didn't need any extra help, but Wayne insisted. Eddie couldn't be more grateful. Still, his uncle couldn't come get him, so either he fixed his van or he'd have to walk home.

He sighed as he got out and popped the hood. Nothing seemed to be amiss. He put the hood back down and returned to the driver's seat. He tried one more time to get the engine to start, and nearly started crying when it finally sprung to life. "Thank god."

He quickly drove home in fear of the van dying once more. He wasn't particularly looking forward to the microwave meal waiting for him. Maybe he'd finally learn to cook sometime soon. Eddie parked the van next to the trailer hastily. His brows furrowed when he noticed the lights were on inside. Wasn't Wayne at work? Wasn't he supposed to come home late? He brushed it off and stepped out of the vehicle.

As soon as his feet hit the ground, Eddie was sure his nose was betraying him. What the hell smelled so amazing? Did his uncle suddenly gain the talents of a chef overnight?

He opened the door and turned to put his jacket on the hook next to the door. "Hey Wayne, I don't know what you're making, but that smells so go- You're not Wayne. What are you doing here?"

You grinned as Eddie complimented the food you'd prepared for him with a little help from Dustin. "We knew your uncle would probably be working, and since you haven't had time to work on your campaign, we thought we'd cook you dinner so you can have all the time in the world to get caught up!"

Eddie almost melted at the sight before him. "Is that?" Eddie pointed at the dish.

"Spaghetti with homemade sauce and meatballs? Yeah, it is. Dustin said it was your favourite." You gestured for him to sit on the couch, bringing him a loaded plate and a cup of soda.

Eddie felt all anxiety and stress from the day wash away in an instant, glancing at you with nothing but love as he took the first bite. "This is delicious. I think I'm gonna marry you. And we'll adopt Henderson. I'm not letting you leave after this, you understand that, right?" His eyes were nearly filled with tears at the taste of homecooked food. When had the last time been he'd actually eaten a proper cooked meal?

You laughed from the kitchen as you made Dustin and yourself a plate. "I'm glad you like it, it's my neighbour's recipe for the sauce, she's from Italy, so you know it's gonna be good." You ignored the comment about marrying you, even though it made your heart flutter and blood rush to your cheeks.

You handed Dustin his plate and sat next to Eddie on the couch. "You deserve it, Eddie. You studied hard. It's not easy to just ignore everything that happened and go back to the way things used to be." Dustin spoke with his mouth full.

"I still failed, though," Eddie mumbled dejectedly as he stabbed one of the meatballs. "What grade did you get? You needed a C- to pass, right?" You asked. Eddie nodded. "I got a D. So I wasn't even that far off, but still, that's a fail. I'm never gonna get out of high school."

"Is there any way you can get extra credit?" Dustin asked. Eddie shrugged. "There's this extra assignment that if I were to do well on it, it would bump my grade to a C. But I just know I won't do well on it, so why bother."

"I could help you if you want? I can come here after school and cook dinner while you work on the assignment. Then we can look it over together afterwards." You suggested. Eddie gaped at you. "You'd do that for me?" His thoughts filled with all the steaming hot goodness you'd prepare for him as he studied.

"Of course, Eddie. You're one of my best friends. I only want what's best for you. If that means hanging out with you after school, I mean, that's only a bonus."

Eddie put his head on your shoulder, his plate now empty and on the table. "That would mean the world to me." He smiled up at you. You didn't know what you did to deserve the look of pure adoration, but you'd take it. You grabbed his head and placed a quick peck on the top of his head.

"Suddenly, my hunger is gone. You guys are gross." Dustin grumbled. "You watch out, Henderson. I'm gonna be your dad. I can ground you."

All three of you laughed. Sure, you were all still healing from the trauma the Upside Down caused. But you were healing together. Slowly but surely, you'd get there. Together.

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