You're Out (Angst + Fluff)

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A/N: Y'all... you have to realize I can see your age if you read this in my statistics. It says 18+ for a fucking reason. I'm sorry to be harsh about this but if you are under the age of 18, do not read this, do not interact with this and just click away. I'm aware there's more fluff chapters here than smut, but even then this is an adult character and I am writing reader as an ADULT. I repeat, if you are under the age of 18 and a MINOR, DO NOT INTERACT OR READ! Thank you.

You were comfortable in your relationship with Eddie. He loved you and all your flaws, no matter what they might be. People questioned you both on your relationship. Wasn't Eddie a freak? Didn't you have a bit much meat on your bones for a skinny guy like him? Why were you even together? You loved Eddie, Eddie loved you and that was that.

You accompanied him often to Hellfire, even when you didn't participate. You didn't always stay for the entire thing, having a life of your own to live. But you did often help Eddie set up and make the room dark to set the mood.

Which was what you were currently doing. You strained as you pushed the curtains against the windows and taped them down to let the least amount of light possible pass through.

Eddie sat down after he finished placing the last figurines, admiring his work. He clapped and rubbed his hands together. "You're the best, babe. Everything's ready, right on time. The boys should be coming any minute." He smacked his lap a couple times to signal for you to take a seat.

You draped your legs over his sideways and sat with him for a moment taking in the insane campaign laid out in front of you. "You've outdone yourself with this one, Eds."

"I know, isn't it amazing? I can't wait to see their reactions." Eddie's eyes lit up with a childlike glimmer. You heard the excited chatter of the rest of Hellfire come down the hallway. You were about to get up, but Eddie held you down by the waist. "You're staying for the introduction, right?"

Eddie had worked so hard on this campaign for weeks. He at least wanted you to see a bit of it in action. You'd helped him work out the details, after all.

"Of course, I'm staying. Wouldn't miss it for the world" you pushed your forehead against his and quickly pecked him on his nose. You made yourself comfortable on his lap, waiting for the boys to fill the seats around the table.

They fawned over Eddie's new figurines, excited hollers erupting through the room over the new campaign. Dustin noticed you and waved. "You're staying?" He asked with a grin. "Yeah, not the entire evening, though. Have some things I need to do before next week."

You heard a laughing scoff coming from Mike. "I mean, not like Eddie's legs would survive if you did stay." You knew by Mike's tone it was meant as a joke, but you could feel your heart sink to your stomach. You tried to laugh it off, but the tears had already reached your cheeks.

"You're fucking pathetic, Wheeler. You're out." Eddie spat. His grip on your waist tightened as you tried to get up. "Stop, Eddie. I'll just go."

"No, you're staying. Wheeler's leaving. Aren't you, Michael? Why're you still standing there? I'm pretty sure I just told you you were out." At first, some of the boys laughed, but Eddie was dead serious.

"You're kidding, right? It was just a joke." Mike looked at Eddie with a perplexed expression. Dustin gave a disapproving glare. "I think he's being serious, Mike."

"You too? What'd I do? It was just a fucking joke, jeez." Mike raised his hands in surrender like he was being attacked.

"What'd you do? What'd you do? You see this?" Eddie pointed at your face. "Tears. Thanks to your stupid 'joke', Wheeler. I understand you're an insecure little piss boy, but keep your ridiculous jokes to yourself next time, or there won't fucking be a next time. Understood?"

Mike gaped at his club leader.

"Did I make myself fucking clear, Mike?"

"Y-yes. I'm sorry. It won't happen again." Mike sputtered as he took a seat.

"No, you don't apologise to me. And sit over there. I don't want to fucking see your face right now." Eddie waved to the seat furthest away from the head of the table.

Mike turned to your tear-stained face. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you." It didn't sound the most genuine, you knew he was just scared of Eddie's wrath.

"It's okay." You muttered and turned to look at Eddie, who was obviously still fuming. "It's not fucking okay, Wheeler. If I ever hear you making comments like that again, about anyone, you're dead."

Mike nodded and adorned the seat far, far away from your boyfriend.

"Calm down, baby. I'm okay." You whispered as you stroked the hair at the back of his neck. He put his hand on the back of your head and pulled you down into a quick kiss. "You're gorgeous, you know that, right?" He pleaded. "Yeah, Eds. I know. I love you." You smiled. "I love you too, babe. So much." How did you deserve someone like him? Willing to threaten his friends over a stupid joke that just made you a little insecure?

"Now, enough pre-game drama. Time for the real deal." You sat in the chair next to Eddie's as he threw his whole body into the storytelling of the new campaign. He might call you gorgeous, but he was a beauty of his own. Passionate in life, vigorous in love, devoted to you. 

Eddie Munson x Reader | 𝗢𝗻𝗲𝗦𝗵𝗼𝘁𝘀 𝟭𝟴+Where stories live. Discover now