[7] Slowly Dying

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Dear Grandfather Clock,

It's now 12 am, I'm talking to you now, even though you betray me every night at 10pm, but there's no one else to talk to. I turned on my phone for the first time since I last turned it off. I got the date and repeated it over and over in my head. Friday, October 21st. I cried looking at the background picture of my parents and quickly turned my phone back off, I have to save my battery for when I get service. My parents... I know they must be worried sick by now. I've never been away from home this long before and I have no clue where I am, but I know I'm close if Connor still goes to school everyday. Ew, he wants me to call him by his actual name now. I liked NOT knowing it, but apparently it upsets him that I didn't know his name before. I'm miserable up here alone, away from home and away from possibly the only friend I've ever had, Michael. I wonder if he thinks about me like I think about him.

I was kidnapped on Tuesday, October 18th

Today is Friday, October 21st and I'm already losing my mind.

Talking to a fucking grandfather clock.


I look at the clock again for the second time today and it says 3:07pm. I sigh loudly. Connor would be home from school any minute now.

How does he even go back there knowing what he's doing every night?

I shake my head and start my daily escape attempt routine. I start out by tugging on the hook in the floor that's connected to my cuffed ankle. I tug it hoping to loosen it up some everyday. I then move on to the window, I'm studying the tops of other houses to try and estimate how far up I am. I finish my escape attempt routine and groan loudly, today is just not the day. But one day it will be. I lay on my back and stare at the attic ceiling, I quietly hum to myself Bruno Mars "Just The Way You Are". I just think of Michael while I'm trapped here. I stopped humming and sit up as I hear footsteps coming up the attic stairs. I fix my filthy dress, that I'm not allowed to take off and brush my hair. I don't even look in the mirror I was given anymore, cause the girl in the reflection is a disgrace now. The door unlocks and John, Connor's dad walks in. He looks at me tapping his foot expectantly and waits. I force a small smile and grit my teeth together.

"Hello John. How are you today?" I ask 'nicely'. He smirks, closes the door and sits in the chair by my mattress. He leans back in it and smiles.

"Hey Logan, I'm alright. Pretty hungry though, I think I want to give you another shot at being downstairs, but you must promise me you'll be good this time." I roll my eyes and sigh.

Yesterday Connor decided to take me down to the kitchen and eat. As soon as my feet touched the kitchen floor I ran towards the front door screaming and hollering. Let's just say I won't do it again, because being punished isn't fun. I roll my eyes again and glare at him.

"I would love another shot and I promise I'll be good." John sits up and leans down in my face.

He takes my head in his hands and roughly kiss me in the mouth. I sit there as still as a statue and wait for this torture to be over. He smirks, leaned back and slap me hard. I don't whimper anymore cause it happens so often that I'm numb to it. John chuckles and lean towards my ankle undoing the cuff.

"One of these days, you'll get tired of being punished and learn how to kiss back." I scoff as he pulled me up by my hair.

"Not on your life, John. You and Connor don't deserve my response." He yanks my hair hard and I held in my screams. I don't scream anymore either. Connor and John are no longer getting any reactions from me. John laughs and sigh.

"You're getting tough, Logan. I might have to weaken you up a bit tonight. I don't think Connor's amateur dick is doing the job right." I widen my eyes and scowl at him.

"What the fuck are you saying? It's your turn to rape me tonight? You and your crazy fucking son make me sick!" I spit in his face and prepare for his hit. He slowly wiped off his face and shockingly grabs my neck. I gasp as he slowly raises my feet off the floor. I clutch at his hands around my neck as he raises my face up to his. I feel dizzy as he speaks in a low monotone.

"I will strangle you to death right now you little bitch. Now you listen and listen good. You're gonna stop disrespecting me and my boy and learn some fucking manners. I'm sick of your ungrateful attitude. You need to just be happy and learn to live with us in your new home. And for your information Logan, I will get to have you intimately, I'm just waiting for Connor's permission. Speaking of Connor, he had a thing after school today, being that it's Friday and all. I know you miss him, but he has a life still, unlike you!" He laughs loudly and releases my neck. I hit the floor with a thud and start choking and gasping for air. John laughs at me and kicks me in the side.

"Get up bitch and come make me a sandwich! I got you something so you can't run away hollering this time too." I struggle to get on my hands and knees as John continue to laugh at me.

"Yep, come on. Hurry up!" I stood up wobbling and walk slowly towards the door. He groans and lift me, throwing me over his shoulder. My hair brushed his ass as he walked through the house to the kitchen. He sits me in a chair at the kitchen table under a dangling chain. He takes it, wrapped it once around my neck and snapped a lock on it. He smirks and tugged on the chain, pulling me up from the chair.

"Alright, the chain allows you to move around the kitchen, but you can't leave. Try it out." I shake my head no and he glares, gripping my arm tightly.

"I said. Try. It. OUT! He pushed me towards the kitchen door and before I touched it, the chain stopped me, pulling me back hard by my neck. I shriek falling backwards tumbling into the kitchen table. John laughs loudly with joy. I lay on the floor in excruciating pain as humiliation wash over me.

How much longer would I last?


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