Chapter 16

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Sariel opened her eyes, panting hard. She looked around trying to calm herself down. "It was only a dream" she said, trying to reassure herself. Sunrays flew past the window and embraced her lightly. It was the twilight of a new morning.

This time it was not a nightmare that had woke her up. She was dreaming, dreaming about a memory close to her heart, tucked safely in between the folds of her brain, the day she had listened to her instincts and kissed him, her very first kiss.

Sariel would often dream about it, that fateful day of her sixteenth birthday. Everything changed that day. She was gifted with some wonderful memories yes but on the same day before the clock stuck twelve, her grandfather had made a decision which would destroy her. If she had only reached her room in time then so much could have been avoided.

Maybe she would not have to be turned into an immortal, maybe she might have got the chance to live a human life full of happiness she never experienced, maybe just maybe Elijah would have came back for her. Life never gave them the chance though. Not for a hundred years at least. They were both thrown apart from each other and there was absolutely no way to find their way back.

She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself. No need to get worked up just because of a dream, she thought. There was certain scent in the air, indicating Sariel of a being's presence not long ago in the house. She recognised the scent; it was the original hybrid's, Elijah's half brother Niklaus. Her eyes widened a little. What did he want from Elijah? Sariel could sense that he was no longer in the house but she could sense him nearby. He was still in town.

Gathering her thoughts, she got up from the bed and moved towards the bathroom. She brushed her teeth and decided to run herself a hot water bath. While the water was running she looked at the bandage on her head through the mirror on the wall adjoining the sink. The spot on her head which had been bleeding had turned rusty in colour with the blood drying. She removed the roll of bandage slowly and steadily from around her head, and then she peeled of the cotton, throwing them both in the dustbin lying in the corner.

The spot on her forehead which had been hurt during the accident, It was completely healed, without leaving any scar. Sariel brought her fingers to feel the skin, checking for irregularities in healing. She found none; it was as if the accident had never happened. The dizziness was gone and she did not feel nauseated anymore. Her body had finally healed. "It should not have taken this long" she muttered to herself.

Sariel felt dirty as she had not bathed from the last couple of days. Her body needed to be cleaned of the filth. She stripped down her clothes and immersed herself in the lavish Jacuzzi tub, enjoying the feel of hot water on her skin. Involuntarily, Sariel's thought drifted to her dream which was her reality once and to that party which changed her fate forever. She thought about the childish ballad she had written him. He must have thought of her as an idiot which she was at that time. She was still innocent then and she allowed herself to dream.

After a rejuvenating bath, Sariel got out of the tub and wrapped herself in the towel she had found lying around. She looked at her clothes from the previous day lying on the ground where she had left them. She could not bring herself to wear them again now that she was clean and invigorated.

"I should have thought about this before entering the bath"

Wrapping the towel securely around her, she opened the bathroom door a little. She peeked in the room to find it empty. Heaving a sigh she stepped into the bedroom. Her eyes drifted on the bed. It had been made and there was a piece of clothing lying there which caught her attention. It was a white sundress with splashes of emerald green in it.

Sariel's breath hitched, it looked so similar to the dress she had worn on her sixteen birthday and the green matched the eye colour with which she was once born.

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