Chapter 12

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Elijah's Redemption

Chapter 12

Among her belongings that Elijah had managed to recover from the hospital the next day, were two things that she loved the most, a journal and a pen. The pen was a vintage one, gifted to her by her grandfather a long time ago. It was the only gift that she remembered receiving with a smile on both of their faces.

In a rare moment of compassion, her late grandfather had gifted her that pen and asked her to treasure it as it was once owned by her mother, Deliah. Sariel had done just that. She treasured it with all her heart and soul put together. The pen carried her mother’s essence and she was grateful to Elijah for bringing it back to her.

Sariel did not always use the pen. She only wrote with it when she was lonely. The pen made her feel that her mother was looking over her from the skies. She filled her pen with ink from the mini inkpot she always carried in her bag. It had been a while since the pen and the journal were used. It was time to fill a few blank pages.

Her fingers turned the pages of the one journal she always carried with her. It was almost as old as her. Two centuries should have been enough to fill one little journal but not for her. She only wrote in it when she could not handle it, when things would be too out of hand, when she needed an outing. Thanks to her dormant emotions, that did not happen very often.

Her eyes fell on one of the poems she had written one such occasion. She stopped turning the pages, to read it, the poem. It was one of the darkest ones she had ever written.

Sometimes I let the hopelessness seep in

Sometimes I let my soul be black.

Sometimes, it hurts too much

I am encompassed by the tears of my past

Sometimes it gets unbearable

I am overwhelmed by myself

Sometimes it gets tough

I am surrounded by my loneliness.

I have always wanted someone,

Who would connect me to the world,

Who would make me feel that I belong

But alas I have never succeeded

My endeavours have left me feeling more hollowed and more alone than ever.

Life seems so long and tiring

It’s seeping away my spirit and energy

I don’t know how long I can go on like this

I don’t know how long I will last

I don’t know how long I will be able to hold on

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