Prophecy (5)

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Elijah's Redemption

Chapter 5 Prophecy

He looked at the sky, staring at the silver glow of the moon. It was a full moon night. The sky was dark and black but the moon and stars were providing light to it, preventing the earth to be enveloped in complete darkness. It’s silver gleam giving hope to the ones who were walking the earth that darkness can never truly prevail. Light would always be there to stop it’s terror.

He was not scared by darkness. He was a creature of dark, a creature of night. He could not be scared of dusk. Night was his element, his very existence. If anything darkness was comforting to him, alluring him into a promise of a bloody life, the kind of life he had lived until now, the kind of life he was destined to.

Even though darkness was his forte, he could not help but stare at the shining moon with a sensation of peace overwhelming him. The moon’s silver glow reminded him of a certain maiden who had claimed to be an angel. There was no doubt about it that she indeed looked like an angel.  Her looks in every sense was what you would call perfect. In his thousand years of existence, he had never thought he would actually meet the perfect woman.

He was surprised when he met her. He had always imagined his perfect woman to be just like her, her heart as white as milk. When he first saw her, he thought he was dreaming again, surely the woman who visited his dreams could not have actually existed. But there she was, standing in front of him, looking scared for her well being.

‘Angel’ was what had come to his mind when she caught his eyes. He did not know that she would actually turn out to be an angel, well half angel. It was hard for him to believe it yet it was easy to believe at the same time.  For reasons unknown to him, Elijah believed every single word that came out of her petite lips. She had definitely used her angel charms on him and put him in a trance, there was no other explanation for it.

The rustling of leaves broke him from his trance as he turned his head towards the direction of the noise. He saw a silhouette of a woman approaching him. But he could not see her face as she was walking in the shadows. He did not need to see her face to know who it was. She was the same witch from the diner who had tried to attack them.

After they had left the diner, Sariel had guessed his thoughts of revenge and had pleaded him to not kill her or her clan. He of course had accepted it like a love struck puppy. Whenever he was around her he lost his ability to think rationally. He would have willingly jumped in fire if she had asked him to. Her beauty was alluring him towards her, like a moth to fire.

He shook his head clear of her and her beauty. He was here on important business and he needed to concentrate. The witch had sent him a letter asking him to come meet her alone beside the lake on full moon. She had written that it was something important she needed to discuss. He was not foolish enough to go without protection. He had asked his angel whether he was still protected from the witches and she had said yes. He really had nothing to fear.

Wait a second, his angel? He shook his head again, trying to reason with himself that she was not his and he needed to concentrate on the meeting at the moment.

Maya, the witch’s face was illuminated by the moon light. She stood approximately a metre away from him. He looked at her features with interest. She was of average height but was wearing a pair of heel which made her appear taller.  Her blonde mane hung loosely on her shoulders. Her olive eyes reflected the moon light which made them shine, like a cat he thought. Her tanned skin and curvy body made her appear beautiful and exotic, but not as beautiful as the angel. She was wearing a dress that hung tightly to her and left little to the imagination.

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