Chapter 18

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The conversation between Holly and her clogged after Sariel's unwillingness to talk about all that was going on with her life. Her problems were just speculations; she did not exactly have any materialistic proof to back her up. She could not share it with anyone, human or not. All she had was a dream and no one, not even the non humans would ever believe her just because she had a bad dream. She was on her own this time.

Lost in her thoughts, she did not notice a man approaching them, not until that person came to a stop just in front of Holly and her. She looked up as the shadow of the stranger hid her from sun's direct gaze. She squinted her eyes trying to focus on his face but he was hidden among the light.

"Sariel Bradshaw I presume?" he asked in his accented English. Sariel recognised that voice. After all if you ever came across a Mikaelson, you could never really forget their face, not until and unless they compelled you to. They were all so perfect in their looks and mannerisms, charming and sophisticated; you could not forget them even if you wanted to. Sariel recognised the man from his voice.

"Mr Mikaelson?" she asked overcoming her shock. It was not exactly a secret to her that he was in the town. She had even expected him to show up when she least expected. But she was shocked anyway.

Klaus smirked "So you remember me then" he stated in a pleased manner. Sariel felt Holly nudge her in her ribs inconspicuously. She turned to look at her only to find Holly giving her a look about the stranger.

"Mr Mikaelson my friend Holly" she said absent minded.

"Pleasure" Klaus said extending his hand which Holly took a little too excitedly.

"And Holly he is Klaus Mikaelson, Elijah's brother" she explained

Holly giggled a little at the revelation and when she caught Klaus' curious expression she blushed. Sariel looked at her friend with astonishment. In her short acquaintance with the girl, she had never seen her blush even once. But it was understandable. The Mikaelsons had that effect on everyone, even her. She compelled herself to not think back to that night with Elijah. Sariel had no idea about Klaus' intention. It was better to tread the steps carefully around him.

He let go of Holly's hand. "Mr Mikaelson..." Sariel started but she was interrupted by him.

"My friends call me Klaus" he said with his famous smirk.

Sariel looked at him suspiciously. She was clearly uncomfortable around him and admittedly scared as well. Klaus wasn't exactly known for the kindness of his heart. He ambushing her out in public could not be a good thing especially since she had a friend with her. If there was any time appropriate enough to panic it was certainly then. "I didn't think we were friends" she said without missing a beat. Even though her insides were turning from anticipation and fear, she did not let it show on her face.

Klaus smiled, he looked genuinely amused. But you could never be sure especially about him. Sariel doubted even the angels couldn't guess what goes on in that arrogant head of his. "But we could be Miss Bradshaw" he said coyly.

Sariel scoffed at that "I am not Bradshaw, not anymore. I go by Angelus these days" she said politely, with a fake grin, maybe a little too polite for this Mikaelson.

He raised his hands in surrender "Sorry, I had no idea about your identity change." He smirked "Curious, isn't it?" he asked more to the air than her it seemed. Sariel sighed, Klaus and his theatrics. She did not acknowledge his question though. Whether he meant it as an innuendo or not, she could not tell. Holly suddenly realised that she had to make a phone call and excused herself from them.

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