Chapter 3

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Elijah's Redemption

Chapter 3

Sariel looked for the upcoming Sunday with both anxiety and dread. She wanted to meet him but her basic instincts were telling her otherwise. Her father had not yet found out about her rendezvous with the original. She was safe from his reprimanding for now. She suspected that fate had planned it all and it was fate's doing that her father had not found about her meeting with Elijah.

She was at a conflict with herself. There were two sides of her. One side wanted to explore the dangerous trail also known as Elijah Mikaelson while the other side wanted her to run away from him. Her father's absence in making the decision for her had given her the chance to make her own choices. Normally he would always tell her what was right and what was wrong. But this time his absence from her life had given her the opportunity to decide her actions on her own.

She had inherited her human mother's adventurous trait. Her mother was not afraid of anything and she would never say no to an adventure. Sariel, in her heart always thrived for adventure too. But her father's over protective demeanour protected her from pursuing it. Elijah was the biggest adventure life could throw her way and add to that the absence of her father; she could not help but be excited about it.

She took a deep breath as she glanced herself in the mirror. She had dressed herself in a casual way. A pair of shorts and a tank top with her mother's diamond necklace that she always wore.

Sariel had decided to wear clothes which was modest but her roomies Sonia and Kelly somehow found out that she was going to meet the 'hot guest lecturer' for lunch. They had their ways to coerce the truth out of her.

All they had to do was ask. She could not exactly lie and she did not get enough time to think of something which was really a lie. She had to accept defeat and tell them the truth. Of course they could not let her go to him 'dressed like a nun'. They had to torture and black mail her into wearing what she was wearing.

She sighed at her friends. It was not the first time she was wearing short clothes, but it still made her feel uncomfortable. Her friends had curled her perfectly straight hairs to get the wavy effect. They even tried to put makeup on her but she did not let them. She was half angel; she wasn't very fond of unnatural things. She did not want them to curl her hair either but her friends could be persistent if they wanted to.

Sariel walked out of her dorm room and out of the building with firm determination. She was living a lonely life for two hundred years, and Elijah was her chance at companionship. She knew she could trust him even though she had just met him a couple of times. He would be her escape from the loneliness that had surrounded her. If her father was not happy about it, he would just have to deal with it. She had listened to him for this long and all she had gained in return was solitude. This time though she was going to listen to her heart.

She walked in the dinner five minutes before the clock struck twelve. She took one of the secluded seats in the dinner and waited for him to walk in. She looked around the place her eyes gazed upon the large cauldron on the wall opposite to the bar and smiled.

The place was decorated with the items which were stereotyped as witch craft like brooms or pointed hats. Even the menu had been renamed to fit the theme of the place. The funny thing though, was the fact that it was owned by actual witches. Even some of the waitresses were witches. Apart from being the secret society for all the witches, the place served decent food and was perfect for having a secret conversation. All the burning sages and spells kept prying ears away from personal exchange. That was the reason she had asked Elijah to meet her here.

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