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Elijah's Redemption


It was dark, but night had not approached entirely. The little remnants of the sun's last rays could still be found in the sky. But darkness was only a kill away, Elijah thought. He was in the alley of one of the newly opened pub which had attracted the commoners. It was not the place where people of higher status could be found. It was one of the cheap pubs, where the humans who didn't belong to the rich or the powerful were sited. It was the decade of nineteen twenties and Elijah could not help but feel bored.

Such places were the ideal hunting ground for the creatures of the dark, them vampires. But Elijah was not lurking in the alleyway because he was there to feed. He was there because one of his posse, had begged for his help. The werewolves were creating a nuisance for the vampires in the area and the pub was their hideout. He had tried to convince them to back off and leave his kind alone but they had not paid any heed to his warnings. Instead the dogs had attacked him, in the hopes of killing him. They wanted to destroy him, once and for all.

The only way to stop them was to kill them. That is exactly what he had done. He had killed them all, mercilessly. It was easy to kill a werewolf, all you had to do was take out their heart from the chest and they would fall, easy as breathing for an original. After he was done with the slaughtering, his posse took care of their body disposal.

That incident had been a week ago. Today he was standing there, because the last time he was here he had smelt something or rather someone's blood. In the midst of werewolf stench, a sweet scent has found its way towards his nose. The scent was that of blood, blood running in someone's veins, someone who was alive and walking away from the scene with human speed. Elijah had guessed that the owner of the scrumptious blood was running away from them, the increased heart beats of it was the proof. He had left the grotesque site which reeked of death and blood in haste, following the blood's trail. He had almost run after the source, like the blood was calling him towards it, asking him to follow its source. Then the smell suddenly disappeared from the site, as if it was never there. He had searched the place for any signs of the blood and its source, but he had come up with nothing. A week later he had found himself stranding at the same place where he had got a whiff of it for the first time.

There was something different about the blood that entranced him. It was not like the regular blood he had consumed numerous times over the years. It was something else. He could not recognise whom the blood belonged to. In his thousand years of existence he had never came across it. But this different kind of blood had made him crave it. It was for the lack of better word, mouth-watering. And as much as he wanted to restrain himself from pursuing the blood lust that had ignited inside him, he had still found himself at the same alleyway a week later where he had came across the most enticing smell he had ever smelt.

Warning bells were ringing in the back of his head, forewarning him that whomever the blood belonged to was most probably not human and that he needed to tread this matter carefully. But his dark side was asking him to pursue his blood lust and suck the source of the blood dry. There was also a third side of him, who wanted to find the source of the blood and protect them with all his might. This side of him for some strange reason was scared for the well being of the source.

Elijah took a deep breath. He had made his decision. He let his blood lust control him. He decided to go into the pub. He could not fight with his blood lust and win, so instead of fighting with it, he gave in. As he walked in, he was greeted with a sight of vampires drinking from human's veins. They were not even trying to hide their activities from the other human present in vicinity. The rest of the humans present in the pub, were compelled to look away and await their turn. Elijah maintained his blank expression and made his way towards one of the empty stalls. He settled himself and waited for the source of the blood which had him in frenzy.

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