Chapter 13

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Elijah's Redemption

Chapter 13

He was standing over the tallest building in the city, the clock tower. He had some time to kill before his next assignment. These few moments of solitude that he got from his otherwise busy work schedule were when he would think. In his profession, he wasn’t allowed to think. He had to do his job without asking any questions. So whenever he could get time, he would locate himself on the tallest building in the vicinity and look over the city and think. It was his favourite pastime, to watch life in the form of every living thing that existed below.

His job did not provide him with enough windows to witness life, considering he was the angel of death. It was his job to fend the souls to their destination. In his life of servitude to the almighty, all he had ever seen was death. He wanted his life to hold a higher meaning, other than being the designated driver of those whose time among the living was over.

He had always been misunderstood by the humans. They thought he was the one who brought death, that his mere presence would bring sorrow. It was the other way round. When death was certain, then only he would go visit the people. He had the power to kill yes, but then all angels had the power, he was just the reaper, the delivery guy. It was not like he brought death purposefully. Humans didn’t understand it though. They never even tried.

If anyone were to think of the grim reaper, they would probably think of a bony guy in a black hood with a scythe in his hand. He had used that disguise one time, it was meant as a prank on Halloween. But instead someone had to die that day and when he went to reap their souls, everyone else noticed him. Since then the image has struck and no matter how hard he tried, he is still thought of as a skeleton guy with a scythe

He had adapted with the changing fashion. These days hoods and jeans or leather were all the rage. Something to do with some TV show about a rich guy assumed to be dead, returning back as a vigilante in hood. he stopped wearing his green hoodie since random people would stop him and inquire whether he was ‘that guy from Arrow’.

“Angel of death” he heard his name being summoned from behind him.

He sighed dramatically “There goes my peace” he whined. He turned around to find an angel standing there wearing a white suit. “Uriel!” he said with fake enthusiasm “Fancy meeting you here, bro. How you doin’?” he asked trying out the ‘cool’ human way of talking

“I am here to talk to you about something important” Uriel replied seriously.

He nodded “I see. But I have a twenty minute break. Consult me when I am working” he replied with a smile which was too wide to be considered normal.

Uriel’s expression faltered “You know it very well that I can’t do that. It is against the rules”

“I don’t see the problem. You didn’t mind breaking the rule with Deliah” he taunted.

Uriel closed his fist tightly, trying to control his anger “It will only take a minute”

Death snickered “Sorry bro, I don’t swing that way. I am a ladies’ man” he said with a wink.

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