It's something inside (10)

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I am already late so not gonna let you wait no more

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Elijah's Redemption

Chapter 10 - It's something inside

Elijah was strolling down the corridors of the hospital. He was in a hurry to reach the room which housed Sariel. Ever since he had met her, no matter how hard he tried he just could not stay away from her. She had bewitched him but he was not complaining.

He was carrying the pills that the doctor had subscribed. He turned to the corridor on his right. Just as he turned he bumped into someone. The pills fell from his hand by this sudden appearance of the stranger.

"Sorry" he muttered picking up the pills from hospital's floor "I did not see you"

"It's alright. Usually people do not notice me" he heard the deep baritone of the stranger. It had a certain ring of authority in it. He looked up to find a blonde man with black eyes, in his mid thirties staring back at him with a curious expression. He was wearing a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt. He looked carefree and casual. For reasons he could not fathom, Elijah felt uneasy standing beside him, as if the stranger was someone who did not belong there, with them mortals.

Elijah was not good at recognising auras, but he could trace a mixture of both black and white around him. The stranger irked him even though he was all but polite with him. It was as if instincts were alerting him that the man in front of him could prove to be lethal if he did not tread his steps carefully. He wanted to get as far away from him as possible.

The stranger smiled at him knowingly "I can see you are in hurry. I won't keep you waiting" he said, stepping aside from him and gestured for him to go ahead.

Elijah nodded stiffed and started towards his destination. Just as he took a step he heard the stranger whisper "Take care of her, Elijah". He turned around abruptly, halting in his steps, surprised by how he knew his name. He was going to ask him what he meant but was surprised to find no one there. The stranger was long gone, vanished in thin air. Elijah thought about this strange encounter, contemplating whether it actually happened or he had imagined it.

He shook his head clear and strode towards Sariel's assigned room. He was enveloped in dread when he thought about 'her' the stranger had mentioned. He remembered the accident few hours ago and how the ghost of a man had materialised in front of the car, suddenly. It was as if he wanted the accident to happen. Elijah did not have enough time to remember his feature; he only got a glimpse of him.

This strange man's sudden disappearance was almost like the other man on the road. His words ignited a strange sense of feeling in Elijah's heart, a feeling that something was not right. Elijah could not shake of the darkness he found in his eyes when he had accidently looked into them. 'What if he was here to hurt her?' he increased his pace, not caring whether the humans saw him or not. His angel was in danger; he needed to go to her. Anything else did not matter.

The plethora of feelings that he had suddenly found in his dead heart was overwhelming to say the least. If he would be asked to put into words what he felt for her, it would be very difficult. What he felt for her was a profound and lingering emotion which no words can encompass. It was something inside of him and mere words would not be able to justify it.

"Sariel!" He busted through the door of her room with dread, expecting her to be in grave danger. But instead he found her sitting on the bed with a bored expression, staring outside observing the falling rain.

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