Chapter 5: The one where I can't speak

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"Will You marry me?"

I can see his lips moving, and words are coming out. 

Doesn't mean that I can understand, WHAT IN THE NAME OF HOLY NUTELLA IS GOING ON!

My best friend just proposed to me.

I quickly check outside for raining frogs. Nope. Nada.

This. Is. Real.

He stopped the car inside my office complex, and staring anxiously at me.

"Umm...", I try to speak. Not that it worked.

"Minnie. Can you ever find it in your heart to err, accept me as your, *cough* as your husband?" He is practically sweating with nerves.

"Uhhh...." , Brain has officially checked out of the building.

"Mina Amin. Don't make me repeat the question please."

" *wheezing sounds* " I'm trying. I truly am...

He has rendered me breathless, speechless LITERALLY. At this point, If someone told me that Jake Gyllenhaal wanted my number, I wouldn't bat an eyelash.


Did he just propose to me in a car?

EMV nods spitefully 'Damn right guurrl, this boy is all sorts of romantic'

"Uhh, you seem to be incapable of speech, so I'll go right ahead and tell you why I think "WE" would be a good idea." He shoots me a shaky smile.

I almost laugh. If he whips out a list from his sleeve right now, I won't be surprised. This boy just ruined me for thriller movies. Nothing from this point forward in my life will ever surprise me more.

"Well, for one, we know each other since forever. Two, your parents love me, so no issues there. Three, we are well on our way to establish our own careers, so none of us using the other. Four, I am hot, and you are gorgeous, so whataya say we get hitched and stare at each other?" He waggles his eyebrow at the last point.

No. He. Did. Not. Just. Quote. Johnny. Bravo.

EMV Cackles 'Ohh, yess he did...He just quoted Johnny Bravo, EL-O-EL'

I trying to form words, but my lips just aren't cooperating. I may have occasionally imagined myself with Areeb. But very often, I was turned off by the whole 'We grew up together' factor. I mean, I have seen this guy pick his nose to terrorize Adiba. I have (almost) seen him pee his pants during a tickling match, and I have seen him secretly cry for Mufasa during Lion King.

If it weren't biologically absurb, I might have been tempted to simply call him my brother. 

EMV sneers 'Your thoughts about his cheekbones have hardly been sisterly...sister.'

Ugh! I really hate this bitch.

"Mina, can you say something please? Slap my face if you want to, just say something!" His dark eyes beseech me.

I reflect upon all the men I have rejected up till now. Most of them handsome, and rich. None of them, I actually knew. Areeb was safe. I know him. He may be acting strange lately, but I know him as a person. I know that he will never hurt me. He really could be "The One" For me.

So what do I say?
Well, I certainly can't say yes for myself. Areeb knows too, that the final decision will be my parents'. I have been a fairly independent person my whole life, I chose my career, my looks, my dress, my school; but I was always very clear that my parents will decide my husband for me.

I promised them at an early age that I will never dishonor them with a H
haraam relationship. So I never dated. Not for lack of male attention...No, i had plenty of admirers back in University, but since, I seldom associated with guys, I knew that their interest was limited to my physical appearance and not me; and that made me so NOT interested.

I could drop Areeb a hint that I might let Mom And Dad consider his suit. Or I could simply discourage him right now...

Think Mina Think!...


Aaaaghh! Why are life decisions so fricking HARD?


EMV rolls her eyes; 'Wow, actual sounds have escaped? I'm impressed!'

"I am sorry WHAT?" Areeb is staring at me like I just spoke fluent german.

"Uhhh. I said, Maybe."

He turns pale, "Maybe? seriously?"

"Yeah, Maybe. If my parents say yes."

Then I escaped the car.

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