Chapter 55: The One With The Happy Ending

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"Aur tum chah bhe nahi saktay,
Agar Allah na chahey."
(And you cannot even desire,
if Allah doesn't desire it.) -- (Holy Quran)

Mina's POV:

"We have to do an ultrasound to rule out an ectopic pregnancy..."

"No, this isn't an ectopic case. Her last checkup confirmed a healthy foetus.."

I slowly come awake in a hospital bed, to find Shehzer and George in deep conversation with my Obstetrician, Dr. Neera Singh.

My hand automatically went to my stomach. Are you okay, Bean? Please be okay! I can't lose you...

"My Bean?..." I croak weakly. Shehzer's immediately by my side, brushing his lips against my forehead. I wince away from his touch.

"Our Bean is okay, love. Alhamdolillah! (Thanks to Allah)" He is hoarse with exhaustion, and worry. "Bleeding isn't uncommon in the first trimester. Your case was worse because you have a blood clotting issue. It's a good thing we came here on time, or else..." He visibly shudders when he tried imagining the horrible alternative.

My intense relief is marred by worry for my husband. He looks awful. I try to squash the despair. He doesn't deserve my sympathy.

"I-I thought I lost h-him." I start bawling hysterically, remembering the blood. So much blood...
Shehzer looks devastated at my tears, his fist keeps clenching, and unclenching with helplessnes.

He seriously needs to work on his comforting technique. I hold out both my arms towards him, "HOLD ME! You jerk!"

He sighs with relief as he obeys me. I cry harder when I realize how much I missed his smell, his arms, his warmth around me.

"I still hate you." I sobbed, burying me face in his neck. He nods, tightening his arms around me.

"I know, baby. I know... I deserve it." he whispers. "But I promise, I'll try to make it up to you."

The doctors made me stay for 48 hours. They wanted to confirm the diagnosis, and keep me under observation. I was given multiple shots, prenatal vitamins big enough to choke hippos, and a laundry list of stuff I was no longer allowed to do.

"Don't bend over too much. Take it easy with the yoga regimen...iron supplements are your new best friend!" Dr. Singh lectured. Shehzer was busy planning my medicine schedules. He was exhausted, yet happy somehow. I was confused at his change of heart, refusing to accept the flowers and truffle boxes he was piling next to my bed.

EMV sneered at the lovely lilac and baby's breath bouquet next to me, "Flowers and chocolates are like a guilt squeeze him dry sister!"

Rania, and Mariam Auntie kept most of the time. George dropped by with some stolen Doritos that I was suddenly craving. I was rarely alone at all, and Shehzer's attitude made me nervous to be with him. How can I trust anything he says anymore?

I pretended to sleep whenever we were alone, and I didn't speak a word once we were discharged after a final checkup.

"Minnie. Talk to me, please?" He stroked my hair, expertly handling the steering wheel with one hand. I was looking out of the passenger-side window, ignoring the treacherous thrill that I always felt at his nearness.

"Don't call me Minnie. I feel like a kid when you do that." I muttered tonelessly back, still refusing to turn to him, "And we all know how much you hate my immaturity."

His hand dropped away from my hair, "I don't hate anything about you. I was being a weak, scared little idiot when I said those things. I swear, if I could undo any single moment spent with you. It'd be that one..."

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