Chapter 52: The One With The Parasite

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"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there." -- George Harrison

Our six-month anniversary is approaching soon. Half a year has gone by since Shehzer and I got married. It feels like time is wearing Reeboks; while being chased by rottweilers.

I am so used to the idea of us together, that it feels difficult imagining my life before him. It is incredibly un-feministic of me, but I have started perceiving my life into two time-frames, B.S. (Before Shehzer) and A.S. (After Shehzer).

We are far from perfect. We often have fights, (Although, I'm the one initiating most of them), and we have different ideas about a lot of things, (Money handling, and career goals e.g.), but we're learning to accept each other with our differences.

After we cleared our misunderstandings, it seemed like an obstruction was removed. We grew closer together, and shared a lot of secrets. He is kind of my best friend now! He probably knows more about me than Adiba.

I came to know more about his own erratic childhood. Although he still has trouble opening up about his Dad, I have gathered enough information to seriously hate the guy's guts. Once,Shehzer told me that his dad deliberately let Rania get stuck in a dumbwaiter at their old house, he even drove off leaving the two kids alone. Shehzer then climbed in, and pushed Rania out. As a consequence, he nearly suffocated for two hours in the narrow space. His claustrophobia started from there.

At odd moments, I have noticed Shehzer become slightly aloof, and withdrawn whenever he sees fathers interacting with their children. I feel so helpless about it, because I can't change his past. In fact, I feel unable to empathize, because my own Dad is such a stellar parent.

Surprisingly, George, Shehzer's old classmate, took a liking to me. She is so much like Adiba, it is frightening. They are both slightly crazy, wickedly humorous, and incredibly blunt about their thoughts. Her actual name is Georgina Beth Harmon, but she hates the girly name, and insists on being called George. She is a Pediatrician, working at the hospital where Shehzer used to work (He has since then, moved onto a Genetic Diseases Research facility).

It's interesting hanging with her, because she knows all the undiscovered food places, and non-mainstream shopping spots of Baltimore. She also has interesting stories about Shehzer from his school and College days.

"He used to be this incredibly moody, reserved person. The smart kid, y'know? The girls used to be crazy about his dark, brooding looks. Then Saleena managed to sink her claws in." George opened up to me over an ice-cream sundae, "She knew he was the perfect match for her. Smart, wealthy, bright future, easy on the eyes...." She winks at me.

"I always wonder how ladies get the pluck to approach men like this! Don't get me wrong, I totally admire courage, but I have always left the chasing to Shehzer in our relationship." I pinkened as I recalled the early days of marriage, "Well. Most of the time, anyways."

"Woohoo! You go Home girl!" George High-fived me, stopping the waiter to announce, "We need another caramel crunch cup. Make it free, in the name of feminism!"

"Ha. Ha. Seriously though, what happened next?" I prod her.

"Hmm, well, she had very specific ideas about what her partner should be like. She was such a queen bee, with an extensive social life. She tried to get Shehzer to loosen up, parties, clubbing, hangouts and what not." She pauses to pop in a wafer in her mouth, "He tried, for her sake, even though it clearly wasn't his scene. I found him anxious, and uncomfortable during those two years. He was trying too hard at being something he wasn't. That's when I actually got to know him better, because I was going through one of my depression phases, and I liked being alone too."

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