Got Questions?

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Hello my darling readers!

I had this really crazy idea recently. You see, a lot of you have been pestering me for impossible things like sequels and One-shots of Not That Interested (Still no clue what they are), and while I refrain from outrightly trashing those wishes (Heck, maybe, one day I might wake up with a sequel in my head!) I did come up with a unique (I hope it is...) alternative, that might turn interesting. 

I'll make a Q&A style book from my characters' perspectives! :D And the kicker is that YOU people will provide me with questions!

SO basically, if you have a burning question for EMV, Mina, Shehzer, Adiba, Inayah etc. All you have to do, is comment below. 

Perhaps you might ask Kulsoom Nani for some hair-fall advice...Or You might ask Simba about his love life...Or you might ask Devil Spawn how he feels about Floyd Mayweather...

You get the point.

I will publish the new book, and answer your questions as soon as I am able. (Will tag, and dedicate the chapters to commenters, so you guys can find the book)

Don't be shy! Let's give it a try!  (Cue Massive Eyeroll From EMV)

P.S: Those of you who are interested in reading another full length book by me, are welcome to check out my Ongoing book, Don't Remind Me. It is of the same genre, i.e. Young Adult romance/Pakistani Background. So, if you liked this book, there's a chance you might enjoy that too. :)

P.P.S: BE CREATIVE WITH THE QUESTIONS!  #CantWait #MissedMyCharacters

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