Chapter 36: The One With The Flight Delay

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"Be like the flower that gives it's fragrance even to the hand that crushes it"- Hazrat Ali (R.A.H)

Shehzer's POV:

I landed in Lahore at least 4 hours later than the "Official" PIA (Pakistan International Airlines) schedule. A semi-famous politician had decided to grace the VIP lounge with his presence a whopping 90 minutes late. The air craft had sat on the Karachi airport runway for more than hour, waiting for his worthless ass to get on board. A plane full of sweaty, irate passengers had threatened to physically deplane the idiot when he arrived, causing him to flee the scene with his bodyguards in tow. The entire drama had everyone keyed-up and spitting mad at the airway authorities. Someone had even made a video of the whole hilarious scene.

It heartened me to see Pakistani citizens finally standing up for their own rights. Usually, they were supposed to meekly accept outrageously screwed up flight schedules to accommodate self-appointed "V-VIP" passengers.

Upon my arrival, I immediately headed directly to the hospital for my first shift. In all this hurried activity, I forgot to turn my phone on. When I reached the hostel at night, I was shocked to find 12 missed calls from Ali on my phone.

What on earth....?

I quickly dialed him back, heart in my throat. Was Mina okay? Why would he call me more than once, unless it was dead urgent? Please let her be okay! I must have made a million bargains to Allah in the few seconds it took Ali to receive my call.

"Hello, Assalamualikum..." Ali says.

"What happened? Is everything OK? Is Mina Okay?" I ask anxiously, not even bothering to return his greeting.

He stays silent for a pause, making my heart sink further. Please Allah! Please, I'll donate my car to charity! just make her be alright!

"Ali? What. Happened?" Please....

"Relax Romeo. Everything's fine. I just called to make you stay for the Valima ceremony. Wanted you to postpone the flight. Guess I was too late by the time I called....but then your whole flight scene was being broadcast on TV, so I thought, heck maybe he can still get off the plane..."

I didn't know whether to cry with gratitude or kick Ali's ass for the grey hair he gave me in the space of a few moments. I frown at the news he is giving me. Huh? it's viral now?

"Seriously? It made the national news?" I scramble to find the remote for the mini TV in my room.

"Yeah dude, we are beyond tickled at the video this one awesome guy made.The plane passengers were like 'Shame on you, YOU STUPID DOG! GET OFF THE PLANE!" he laughs at the memory.

Woah! I didn't know it went this serious. I knew a few passengers had been righteously furious at the delay, but I wasn't one of those vocally protesting people.
I switch on the TV screen, to find various News channels debating over the bravery and folly of civilians taking on powerful politicians. This was accompanied by a shaky, phone-shot video of regular passengers; (lawyers, business executives), shaming, and de-planing two different VIP passengers. Apparently the egoistic idiots had forced the airport authorities to delay the flight for them. I grinned as I took in the hilarious video of a former minister actually turning tail and running when he saw the mob coming after him. Bravo to the Egalitarian class!

"Wow! this is awesome!" I chuckle back. "Uh...thanks for inviting me to the wedding man! sorry I couldn't have stayed for the Valima, even if I missed my flight today. I have used up a lot of free days, so it would have been next-to-impossible to get an off day again."

"Ahaan. Okay, that's fine I guess. You probably saved your nose in the long run..."

I smile confusedly, my nose? Is it some sort of contemporary Pakistani-young-adult reference that I'm not aware of? It had taken me a while to get used to the strange urban lingo of Pakistani youth nowadays. "A Burger" was not only something you ate for with fries, it was also, "A rich, sophisticated individual, who thinks he is above the "Desi" society and it's traditions" HOW? and WHY? I honestly don't know....

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