Chapter 44: The One With The Big Reveal.

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"I don't know perfect people.

I only know flawed people who are still worth loving."- John Green

Mina's POV:

I know I'm dreaming. There really can be no other explanation for the ocean under my feet. It's cold here. Too cold. Shehzer keeps giving me blankets, even though I told him they will get wet. I am worried about Areeb though, he is alone on the shore, lying bloodied up by a rock.

I tread over to him, and cry out over his bruised face.

"Why did you do it Areeb?" I sob to him

"Because of you Minnie Mouse." He smiles at me, despite the bruised lip. "What I did was horrible, and I don't deserve to live. Now you can live happily without me in your life..." He starts to close his eyes.

"NO! DON'T CLOSE THEM!" I scream at him "I can fix you! You'll be fine, you don't need to go yet." I try to touch his face, but he just keeps sliding away from my grasp. It's like the wave-sand thing at the beach; I'm moving away without actually doing anything.

Shehzer is by my side now, trying to hold me. "SShhh...It's okay Love. Everything's ok now. You're just cold." I try to escape his hold, "NO! It was because of me. Just fix it! LET ME FIX IT!!" I find myself suddenly awake by the force of my tears. Shehzer's face peers worriedly at me from above.

What on earth?

I am still shivering, and hiccuping with the cold and the tears. Seeing his tired, scruffy face beside me, made me want to cry some more. I had fallen asleep on the waiting lounge couches of the hospital, using Shehzer's leg as a pillow.

"Ali is going to kill me!!" I wailed in despair, thinking about my brother and the fact that he has no idea where I spent most of my night.

"Not today he isn't." Shehzer chuckles dryly. "He and Adiba just went to grab some coffee. I called him last night and briefed him on the situation. They arrived a little after you nodded off during your prayers."

I grimaced, thinking about my desperate pleas to the almighty.

Please save him, in good health Allah! Please guide him out of his darkness. Please just make him okay again.

Ironically, I'm not even sure I'm supposed to pray for someone who tried to take their own life. I know we aren't supposed to pay respects to them after death, but I'm unclear on the religion's policy on suicide survivors.

"Your dream upset you?" Shehzer asks hesitantly. I nod weakly, drawing my shawl nearer to my face.

"What if he did it because of me Shehzer?" I voice my fears out loud to him.

"That's a stupid thing to assume. He had plenty of time to do something rash in all the months after your breakup, why do it now?" Shehzer's jaw stiffens whenever he mentions my old relationship. "He obviously has a lot of life issues that he dealing with. Trust me, it has nothing to do with you."

I try to hold onto these reassurances of his.

Adiba and Ali are pretty shocked about Areeb's accident.

"Did the Doctor mention why his parents left him to the sharks?" Adiba demanded from me.

"Not really...I think we should ring them up, and find out." I nibble on some crackers Ali got for us.

"I already tried their phones. No response." Ali frowns at his cellphone. "This makes no sense. I mean, I know he is damn fugly to look at, but seriously, who leaves their almost dead child at a hospital surrounded by organ-stealing doctors?....No offense bro." he nods at Shehzer, who raises a brow at him.

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