Chapter 21: The One With The Pearl

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Shehzer's POV:

"It's the least I can do for the girl who agreed to marry my ugly self", The guy sitting too close to Mina says.

One sentence. One. Fucking. Sentence. It just about destroyed me.

She was engaged.

She will marry him.

She probably loves him.

She will never be mine.

I don't know how I managed not to do something completely illegal; like throwing the guitar weilding prick from the roof.

Mina looks tormented. Her eyes beseeching me to understand. Understand what? That the girl of dreams will always stay that way? Will never become my "Real"?

I clench my jaw to keep the hurt at bay. And boy did it hurt.

Everyone around me is going gaga over the tiny box he is clutching in his hands. Do I have to see this? Really, God? Is he going to put his ring on her finger two feet away from me? Surely you're not that cruel?

Thankfully, he opens the box to reveal a tiny pearl nestled inside the silk folds. A delicate gold chain is threaded through it. I breath a sigh of relief. Thank God for small favors!

"I went deep sea diving in a pearl reef." The prick is explaining to Mina. "Managed to catch this one....I just thought of you when I saw it. The innocence of it." He is spewing all sorts of romantic drivel at her, and his avid audience is eating it all up. Mina's female cousins are getting all teary-eyed and "Awwww" over the pearl. He makes a move to place it around her neck; I have to force my hands not to punch his hands away from her.

Mina twists away from his reach awkwadly; "I can do it myself Areeb." She mutters quietly, fastening the dainty pearl around her neck. It looks beautiful against her pale neck. I hate it.

Then the prick starts taking jamming requests. He expertly strums the guitar to popular Pakistani and Western songs. Everyone's clapping and singing along; except me and Mina. We're rooted to the ground. Static. Unmoving.

"Hey Minnie, remember this one? We used to sing this together all the time! "

He plays the opening strains of Fuzon's song; Khamaj. "You've got to do the duet with me Minnie." he pleads with her.

"I don't feel like singing Areeb." She says despondently.

Everyone started protesting at once, pestering her to sing the song. She caves in reluctantly. Her eyes are closed as she sings the deeply stirring lyrics. Her voice is sweet and haunting. The pain in her tune translates perfectly to the songs' angst-filled lyrics.

"sawan beeto jaaye beharwa

monsoon is passing by my love,

mann mera ghabraye

my heart fears/worries

aiso gaye pardes piya tum

You went away just so my love....

chain humein nahin aaye

that I can find no relief

mora saiyan mose bole na"

because my Love won't speak to me.....

I am speechless as she lifts her voice to match that of Areeb. They complement each other perfectly. No one in the circle seems capable of speaking while these two sing. When she finishes the last note to Areeb's last guitar strum, I see two tears make their way down her face. She stares right at me; heartbreak in her eyes. 'I'm sorry' she mouths silently.

I smile humorlessly. It's time to leave.

As soon as I stand up, others also start to stand. I make my way towards her, and her fiance. "Congratulations you two." I say as politely as possible.

Areeb looks curiously at me; "Thanks. And you are?"

Ali has joined us now; "Oh, you don't remember Shehzer, Areeb?"

Recognition dawns in his eyes; and he grins staring at me for way too long.

"Ohhh! Shehzer? from the States right? The one who wouldn't stop trying to be friends with my girl?" He grins mischievously at Mina.

I don't know what to say to that. More like I don't know any response where I don't knock out his teeth for calling Mina "His Girl".

Mina elbows him to stop his teasing.

"Ooomph! Er-sorry man! by the way, your congratulations are rather early. We are getting engaged this Saturday. You should totally come; for old time's sake." He winks at me. Fucker.

"Of course he'll come!!" Ali claps me on the back. "Mom and Dad are inviting all the neighbors we're close to."

"I don't think I can make it." I say tonelessly. I just want to escape this cursed party.

"Non-sense! you have to keep me company during the boring reception bits. You have to come!" Ali just won't let it go.

"Ali, he might be busy that day." Mina whispers to her brother, making sure to avoid looking at me.

"But, he is such good friends with you! he should come." he argues back.

I realize that I'm damned either way. I also realize that I'm extremely masochistic.

"Okay. I guess, I'll be there" I say before I can stop myself. Yep. Masochistic as hell.

Sorry. Here's another update. I was too curious to know what happens.

Going back to my assignment to Rivalry Among Fertilizer Industry. (Not kidding. I'm putting off University credits for this story) :P

Not sure whether the Youtube Link works. (Youtube is blocked over here). It is a link to Fuzon's song khamaj. I adore it.

Vomment pls?

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