Chapter 22: The One Without A Car

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Mina's POV:

It's Friday. Tomorrow I will get engaged to my best friend. It seems utterly surreal to me. All my life I had a very vague idea of what my wedding would be like. This isn't actually the wedding but I will be the center of attention and it's happening at a pretty grand scale so it does feel almost Shaadi-like.

for the past two nights I had wordlessly crawled into my parents' bed at night. I am the baby of my family, so my parents just ended up snuggling with me. I didn't cry. I saved all the tears for my showers.

Seriously ladies. Showers are the best places to cry your eyes out in. The water just washes away your tears as soon as your eyes produce them. No one can hear your sobs and sniffles with all the running water. And if your eyes are red after all the sobbing, you can always blame it on the shampoo.

Anyways, the guitar night is like a bad dream that I keep reliving whenever I am free. The moment when Shehzer realized about my Non-single lady status, I felt my heart break alongside his. I never wanted to hurt him. Ever.

Areeb had never openly displayed his affections to me like he did on that particular night. This made me kind of annoyed at him. The guy barely went lover-boy on me in private, but that night he just had to go all casanova to impress my cousin. That too in front of Shehzer. Ugh. Misfortune never comes alone they say.

I stare at the tiny pearl threaded around my neck. It is absolutely lovely. Areeb knows my taste so well. I don't like gaudy, fussy jewelry and he got me the most delicate, simple necklace ever. He truly was a perfect fiance.

EMV sneers; 'Is he perfect for you though?'

Yes he is. He has to be. He knows me better than most people. We cannot "Not" be good together, as a couple. The math just made sense for us.


Dad's watching a cricket match when I enter the TV room.

"Want some Tea Dad?"

He looks at me like I have sprouted horns. I never ever go out of my way to make him tea, and he knows that. In fact brewing tea is one of my least favorite chores of all time. Followed closely by ironing clothes and washing dishes.

"Is that even a question beta (child)?" He peers at me, TV remote in hand.

"Erm..I guess not....I'll go make some"

After I hand him piping hot tea in his favorite Mug, he pats his hand beside him on the sofa. I sat.

"Are you happy with the dress Mina?"

"I have just seen photos of it, and it seems gorgeous." Areeb's Mom had insisted on having my dress made for me. She longed to do shopping for a daughter as she didn't have one herself. My parents had insisted on ordering Areeb's suit in exchange for this.

"Hmm...Good good." He slurps noisily. "Did you know your Mom is planning to go to Adiba's parents soon, for your brother? We might just marry both of you together, if everything goes smoothly...."

I nodded, cheering up at the thought. We talked a bit about this and that. Mostly we argued over politics, one of our favorite pastimes. I supported a popular youth movement while he was overall skeptical of political parties altogether. It was fun, to debate with him.

"Daughter....I haven't outrightly asked this, because I let your mother handle all that type of talk...But...I need to know. Are you truly happy with Areeb's proposal?" He asked tentatively.

"Why wouldn't I be happy Daddy? He is perfect for me no?"

He nods slowly; "You don't know how happy you've made your mother and me. You let us make this important decision for you, and we're humbled with this honor. We have prayed our whole lives for you to marry someone who loves you, and respects you. I'd really like to believe we've made the right choice for you."

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